Chris and Wes Wilson of Pleasant View are happy to announce the upcoming marriage of their son Kyle Wilson to bride-to-be Kari Scyoc. The Colorado Springs couple will be united in marriage on Aug. 20, 2011, at Stonebrook Manor in Thornton, Colo. Kari is the daughter of Marci Scyoc of Aurora, Colo. A 2003 graduate of Smoky Hills High School, she is a 2007 graduate of Adams State College in Alamosa, Colo., where she obtained a psychology degree. She is also a 2010 graduate of Frostburg State University in Frostburg, M.D., where she earned a masters degree. She is employed as a juvenile counselor. Kyle Wilson is a 2002 graduate of Montezuma-Cortez High School. He graduated from Adams State College with a business finance degree in 2006. He is employed at First Bank as a bank officer. The couple will continue to reside in Colorado Springs.
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