The Journal
Landowners who want to protect private forest areas from development or nonforest uses may submit proposals to the Colorado State Forest Service for conservation easements.
The Forest Legacy Program authorizes the Colorado or U.S. Forest Service to purchase permanent conservation easements and allow landowners to own and manage their land, while receiving compensation for unrealized development rights.
Forestlands that contain scenic, cultural, recreational, water and wildlife resources receive priority. Participants are required to follow a state management plan, which allows activities such as timber harvesting, grazing and recreation.
The Colorado State Forest Stewardship Coordinating Committee evaluates proposals and recommends to the state forester those proposals that may advance to the U.S. Forest Service. Forwarded proposals then compete at a regional and national level for funding.
The application deadline is July 28 for funding in fiscal year 2019. Proposals must be submitted by mail.
For more information and an application, call Susan Matthews at 970-491-6303 or visit