We are pleased to announce the launch of the new the-journal.com.
The goal with the updated site is to provide visitors a friendlier experience, additional digital content including more video and imagery, and a design that displays content seamlessly on all your devices.
The visually and content-driven website is intended to be more responsive and help you find stories, videos and photos on all your devices. Improvements should be particularly noticeable on tablets and mobile phones.
The simple design has two main menus to help you find your favorite content. One, stripped across the top of the page, contains most-read stories, obituaries, classified ads and an FAQs tab for frequently asked questions about the website. The other, found by clicking on the three small lines in the top left corner, drops down for a more comprehensive index of content.
Readers will also find improved archiving of some of their favorite content, such as the Looking Back and Gulliford’s Travels columns. Just use the drop-down menu in the top left corner, and go to Local Columns.
Along with this upgrade, we’ve partnered with Google Surveys so that we can provide you the same free, high-quality online content. After your fifth article, you’ll be asked to answer a very short survey to continue reading.
Please know that your cooperation in taking the Survey helps support our newsroom and the continued production of the community journalism you’ve come to expect.
Thank you for your readership. We’re delighted to bring you these website changes and look forward to your feedback. Feel free to contact our managing editor, Trent Stephens at [email protected].
Jump in, and take it for a test-drive.
Your friends at The Journal