Western governors see a partner in EPA’s Pruitt


Western governors see a partner in EPA’s Pruitt

A bipartisan group couldn’t get what they wanted from the old EPA
Scott Pruitt, the new administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency at a meeting with the Western Governors Association.
Western governors gather with new EPA chief Scott Pruitt after an early Sunday morning breakfast meeting. Participants, left to right: Gov. Bill Walker (Alaska), Gov. Gary Herbert (Utah), Gov. Dennis Daugaard (S.D.), Gov. Mary Fallin (Okla.), Gov. Butch Otter (Idaho), EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, Gov. Steve Bullock (Mont.), Gov. Kate Brown (Ore.), Gov. Matt Mead (Wyo.), Gov. Doug Burgum (N.D.), Gov. David Ige (Hawaii), and Gov. Brian Sandoval (Nev.). Also in attendance but not in photo: Gov. John Hickenlooper (Colo.).

Western governors see a partner in EPA’s Pruitt

Scott Pruitt, the new administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency at a meeting with the Western Governors Association.
Western governors gather with new EPA chief Scott Pruitt after an early Sunday morning breakfast meeting. Participants, left to right: Gov. Bill Walker (Alaska), Gov. Gary Herbert (Utah), Gov. Dennis Daugaard (S.D.), Gov. Mary Fallin (Okla.), Gov. Butch Otter (Idaho), EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, Gov. Steve Bullock (Mont.), Gov. Kate Brown (Ore.), Gov. Matt Mead (Wyo.), Gov. Doug Burgum (N.D.), Gov. David Ige (Hawaii), and Gov. Brian Sandoval (Nev.). Also in attendance but not in photo: Gov. John Hickenlooper (Colo.).
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