The Journal
Project proposals are now being accepted for natural-resource projects that benefit the San Juan National Forest and rural economies of Southwestern Colorado, through funding available under Title 2 of the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act.
The purposes of the Act include making investments and creating employment opportunities through the maintenance of existing infrastructure, implementation of stewardship objectives, and restoration of land health or water quality. Examples include projects that restore watersheds, maintain or decommission roads, manage noxious weeds, or otherwise improve forest health on or adjacent to the National Forest.
Project proposals that meet the intent of the legislation will be reviewed by the San Juan Resource Advisory Committee this spring. The advisory committee, which is made up of local citizens representing a wide range of interests, provides recommendations to the Forest Service on which Title 2 projects should be funded. Prior to online submittal, potential applicants must coordinate their proposal with the affected county and ranger district.
To be considered, project proposals must qualify under the purposes of the Act and be posted online no later than Friday, March 17, 2017. Applicants are advised to coordinate submissions with Ann Bond, San Juan RAC Coordinator, at 970 385-1219 or [email protected].
To access the San Juan Title II Project application form, go to: