The income difference between those Americans in the middle class and below and those Americans that are at the top is way out of line. Obviously, those with money have the most power.
One of the first things our government needs to do is close the loopholes in our laws that only serve to make the big corporations richer. How do we put a cap on what CEOs and government officials make? The big corporations fund the politicians so that they will vote to the corporations’ benefit.
We need to keep jobs in the United States. A solution must be found on how we can stop corporations from moving overseas because labor is cheaper. Big businesses has ruined the locally owned family businesses in America. Families can barely survive today; they go bankrupt if someone in their family gets a serious illness. The cost of insurance is way out of reach for millions of Americans.
I realize that there are good and bad people from all walks of life, but we as a nation need to stop protecting the corrupt and dishonest. Right now money talks and this needs to stop.
Anyone can make a difference. Stand up and be counted. Be determined in presenting your point of view and any solutions that you may have. Let’s try and make a difference. The politicians need to stop thinking like Democrats or Republicans and just think of themselves as helping the people they represent.
Jim Shields