Fort Lewis students train for career’s social moments


Fort Lewis students train for career’s social moments

More than 100 attend Etiquette Dinner

Fort Lewis College students and staff have dinner and learn etiquette.

Did you know?

Have you ever wondered where the rules of etiquette began?
Fort Lewis College professor emeritus Roy Cook shared historical facts about the development of etiquette at the Etiquette Dinner on Tuesday:
Thank the Middle East for the fork. It arrived in Europe after a Venetian merchant fell in love with a Byzantine princess circa 1000 A.D., and the revolutionary eating utensils were included in her dowry the newlyweds took back to Italy. It was a false start – clergy at the time thought God gave humans a thumb and the index and middle fingers for dining and blamed the use of forks for the bride’s early demise. So forks disappeared from European tables for another 600 years or so.Shaking with the right hand began as a way to prove people were not carrying a knife and meant no harm to the person being greeted. Salt plays an important role on a formal table. Because it was so valuable in historic times – the word salary is derived from it – the highest ranking person at the table should be seated in front of the salt and pepper. When someone asks you to pass the salt, always pass it with the pepper. And don’t “shortstop” it, Cook said – don’t salt your food as it passes by you to the original requester. Finally, never season your food before tasting it.The word “etiquette” is derived from the French court of Louis XIV when aristocracy and other dining guests needed to learn the rules posted on their ticket – étiquette – before attending a royal banquet. Ann Butler