Did you know that being outside improves your physical, as well as your psychological health in many ways? It helps everything from combatting depression to increasing your brain function, to helping your eye health. And San Juan Mountains Association has many ways for you to get outside and enjoy our beautiful Colorado summer.
SJMA is offering three backpacking trips for kids and families. If you’ve ever had an interest in trying out backpacking, here is an easy, fun, and free way to do it. SJMA partners with local stores to help provide some free equipment for all trips as availability allows. The first fun trip takes place May 28-29, and is geared for families with kids ages 7 and up. Families will travel and camp along the West Mancos Trail.
On June 6-8, there’s a three-day adventure along the Fish Creek Trail, northeast of Dolores, for ages 12-15. This trip will include time for some side hikes, ecology lessons, and self-reflection. Deadline to register is June 2, and there is a mandatory meeting June 3.
Finally, another three-day trip starts at the Lime Mesa Trailhead. We will camp near City Reservoir and day hike up along Silver Mesa. This trip is open to ages 15-18. Deadline to register is July 20, and there is a mandatory meeting July 21. All three of these trips are led by certified interpretive guide, and backpacking expert, MK Gunn. Please contact her for questions [email protected], or 970.385.1288, and register online at sjma.org (click on Calendar).
Other opportunities for families include a Get to Know Mud Springs Day on June 4, with a family hike starting at the Mud Springs parking lot east of Cortez at 10 a.m., and a Butterflies and Blooms walk at Cascade Creek north of Durango on July 30.
If you haven’t yet been on one of our free, guided nature hikes at Purgatory during the summer, you’re missing out!They are offered Tuesdays and Thursdays, starting June 7, and we ask people to meet at the Purgatory ticket office at 9:45 a.m. The program goes until about noon. Guests ride the chairlift to the top, hike around with a knowledgeable nature guide pointing out wildflowers, geology, trees, tracks, etc., then ride back down to the bottom. It’s a wonderful way to see our beautiful mountain environment and learn something new!
We hope you can also join us for the following hikes, open to curious nature lovers of all ages: on May 25, the Nature of Sand Canyon, in Canyons of the Ancients National Monument; Aug. 23, Edible Plants with Katrina Blair, and Sept. 18, Glacial Geology. Details and registration information for these programs can be found on our website at sjma.org.
We are only able to offer these wonderful programs because of our long time partners, the San Juan National Forest and BLM Tres Rios Field Office, as well as the support of our members and donors. Please consider becoming a member of SJMA today. Visit sjma.org for more information on benefits and donation levels.