The San Juan National Forest invites the public to an informational meeting titled, “What Does the Future Hold for Spruce-Fir Forests?” at 6-8 p.m. Monday, March 21 in the Vallecito Room at the Fort Lewis College Student Union Building. The meeting is a follow-up to the “Meet the Beetles” public presentation held at FLC last year.
Jason Sibold, Ph.D., of Colorado State University, will give a presentation on the science and ecology of spruce-fir forests in relationship to natural disturbances and management influences and what the future might hold for this forest type. In addition, Tony Cheng, Ph.D., director of the Colorado Forest Restoration Institute and a professor at CSU, and Mike Battaglia, Ph.D., U.S. Forest Service research forester at the Rocky Mountain Research Station, will be available for questions and answers.
Local forest officials also will offer brief updates on the status of forest-health projects in spruce-fir forests across the San Juan forest. All presenters will be available for discussions in an informal open-house setting.
For more information, please contact Travis Bruch, 970-385-1317 or [email protected].