For The Journal
The Annual Book and Author Luncheon of the local branch of American Association of University Women will take place on Saturday, March 26 at 11:15 a.m. on the Fort Lewis College campus, Vallecito Room of the Student Union Building.
The annual luncheon is in support of AAUW’s scholarship funds. This year the organization is honoring member Tekla Miller, who recently published the book “Mother Rabbit,” which recounts her sister’s experience as a single mother working for the Playboy Club in Chicago in the 60s.
As a part of Women’s History Month, the luncheon will also honor women serving in public service and government.
The cost of the luncheon is $45 ($22 tax-deductible). Students tickets are available for $20.
Make your reservations before Wednesday, March 23, and send your check made out to AAUW/Durango to 56 Red Cliffs Road, Durango 81301.
For further information contact Judy Spolum, [email protected], or Marcy Jung, [email protected].