This is the second meeting where the sub-group will discuss issues related to oil and gas leasing and development of federal minerals in western La Plata and eastern Montezuma counties.
The agendas for both meetings are the same in order to provide the public with the opportunity to receive the same information at either session. The meetings begin with a presentation where the BLM provides a general overview of the federal oil and gas development process and a discussion regarding the decisions, such as the application of no surface occupancy, controlled surface use and timing limitation oil and gas lease stipulations that were made in the 2015 Tres Rios Field Office Resource Management Plan.
The meetings also include discussions amongst the sub-group regarding federal oil and gas leasing and development issues, and each meeting concludes with a public comment period.
To better facilitate the meetings, the public is invited to register with the BLM to provide comments by sending an email to [email protected] by Wednesday, Feb. 10.
Speakers should also submit a written copy of their statements at the meetings for inclusion in the administrative record. The public comment periods will begin at 11:30 a.m. in Durango and at 7:30 p.m. in Mancos. Depending on the number of speakers, the sub-group may limit the time for each comment. Written comments can also be sent to [email protected].
To learn more about the Oil and Gas sub-group, go to