Students say cheating is under reported at Fort Lewis College


Students say cheating is under reported at Fort Lewis College

Pressure and desire to succeed sometimes lead to copycat work
Some students say cheating occurs with some regularity at Fort Lewis College, An average of about five cases per semester go before Ken Pepion, FLC associate vice president for academic affairs and the provost’s designee for handling academic dishonesty allegations.

Students say cheating is under reported at Fort Lewis College

Some students say cheating occurs with some regularity at Fort Lewis College, An average of about five cases per semester go before Ken Pepion, FLC associate vice president for academic affairs and the provost’s designee for handling academic dishonesty allegations.
For students who study, seeing cheating is disheartening

The Durango Herald asked Fort Lewis College students to weigh in on their perceptions of academic dishonesty on campus, where they see it and why it happens. They gave varying answers.
In several students’ opinions, the Internet increases the challenge of preventing academic dishonesty. For example, Google is just a click away for students taking online tests, and many instructors post notes and other classroom instructional material, online.
“It happens more with online quizzes and students wanting to double-check their answers,” exercise physiology major Lauryn Andre said. “If a teacher doesn’t want students to cheat, they should not give tests online. The resources are there, and there are multiple devices right in front of you to look it up.”
Eric Wzientek, a freshman geology major, said he hasn’t cheated “yet” in college, but he said it’s happening around him, mostly in the form of students with their phones out.
Others don’t see it.
“I don’t have any experiences with cheating here,” said Joanne Song, a sophomore studying anthropology. “Everyone here is rather honest.”
Mariah Gachupin is a senior gender and women studies major. She said the prevalence of cheating may have some correlation with particular departments, and some professors might monitor their students more closely.
“I have friends that stay up all night studying, and then they see people with their phones out during an exam,” she said. “In most classes, professors are really watching, so where is the difference? I hear of it in the athletic department and exercise science a lot. But I know my professors really watch us and make sure we put all our stuff away before an exam.”
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