Our local journalists and advertising representatives want to improve your Journal experience by helping you and your friends and family in the neighboring towns of Cortez, Dolores and Mancos stay in touch with one another and keep up with news about events, businesses and schools that affect your lives.
The newspaper, website and social media sites will be refreshed at the end of summer with a new look, increased functionality and additional content. It will continue to publish twice a week.
Readers in Mancos, Cortez and Dolores will have access to sports and community news throughout the Four Corners area. Mancos and Dolores will benefit from more timely reports of town board meetings, and sports and community events. In response to reader requests, the Community Calendar will list events from throughout the area, and all readers will have access to crossword puzzles and comics.
The Journal also will extend the reach of buyers and sellers, connecting you to a larger, regional marketplace for advertisers' special offers and announcements.
Please know that this decision was not made lightly and without readers, dealers, advertisers and all communities in mind. We are proud of our rich history and are committed to providing the level of coverage we have through the years. Our business has grown and evolved in the past 60 years, and we felt it was time to move in the right direction for the community and the company.
Additional information and opportunities for your comments and contributions are coming. Keep reading!
Trent Stephens, managing editor
The Mancos Times, Cortez Journal, and Dolores Star