During the past year much effort has been made by the Montezuma-Dolores Counties Fish and Game association in securing funds for the rebuilding of flood gates for the Barlow Creek retaining pond. This is considered by the association to be the most important project of its present plan. The Barlow creek retaining pond, in addition tot he five smaller ponds located near Rico, would make the east Dolores river and its tributaries one of the finest fishing streams in the state of Colorado.
Dr. George W. Sprecher, formerly a well known physician of Cortez, who disappeared from his home at Victor and was recently the object of a search which extended over several states, has been located at Willcox, Ariz., according to word from there. Apparently a victim of amnesia, Dr. Sprecher is in the custody of Willcox police and will be returned immediately.
The highway from Shiprock to Durango through Farmington and Aztec, is now officially known as highway No. 550, the designation having been made recently at the request of the New Mexico state highway department.
R. N. Musgrave, recently designated dealer for the Chevrolet automobiles in the Dolores territory, this week received a shipment of the new machines. Included in the lot were a ton and a half truck, a pickup and master and standard passenger cars. The new machines are attracting a lot of attention.
Farmers in all parts of the United States, Montezuma and Dolores counties included, may plant, harvest and sell all the wheat they want to, according to an edict recently issued from the office of Secretary of Agriculture Wallace.
With this issue, the Dolores Star completes its thirty-eighth year of existence.
Assessor John Dunning has been in Dolores this week attending to the annual assessment work of this office.
Mr. and Mrs. Avon Denham and daughter came in Thursday morning from Avon, Colorado. They returned over the Million Dollar highway. This highway had been closed for sometime and just recently cars have come through over this route.
Mrs. Mae McGalliard, of Mancos, was a week-end guest at the Bryant Bauer home, returning to Mancos Sunday evening.
Wm. McCormick is driving a new Ford V8 pick-up, purchased from the Mancos Motor Company.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Crawford and daughter, of Durango, spent last weekend at the G. D. Taylor home.
The home economic class of the Dolores High school, planned, prepared and served a dinner last Friday evening to thirteen guests at the high school building. The main course was a spaghetti dinner and very delicious.
Miss Edna Givens of Fort Lewis, sister of Ruth Givens of the local relief office, arrived in Dolores Friday evening to spend her spring vacation here.
Mrs. Jack Lysack returned to her home in Durango Sunday, after a ten day visit here. Mrs. Dick Tucker took her over in the car.
Earl S. Stone of Durango was working in Dolores Tuesday this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Akin drove in Saturday from Phoenix, where they spent the past several weeks, enjoying the warmer climate.
Dick Tucker arrived home from Denver Wednesday evening with a load of feed.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCormick were in Farmington the first of the week on business.
Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Cline, of Mancos, were visiting at the Fred Cline home Wednesday.
Mrs. B. F. Greene and Mrs. Arthur Brumley drove to Durango Monday to enjoy a day of shopping.