CMS students tackle technology, engineering issues at Science Fair


CMS students tackle technology, engineering issues at Science Fair

Dimery Plewe shows her award-winning science fair project at the Cortez Middle School. She won the top overall award for the fair.
Tristan York displays the tube he made for the flames in his “How do sound waves affect heat?” experiment.
Gianna Speroni demonstrates her project at the Cortez Middle School Science Fair.

CMS students tackle technology, engineering issues at Science Fair

Dimery Plewe shows her award-winning science fair project at the Cortez Middle School. She won the top overall award for the fair.
Tristan York displays the tube he made for the flames in his “How do sound waves affect heat?” experiment.
Gianna Speroni demonstrates her project at the Cortez Middle School Science Fair.
Grand Prize winners

Sixth grade
Kayden Peabody: “Hydroelectric Energy,” Energy and Transportation category
Cavin Martinez: “It Just Makes Cents,” Engineering category
Kresalia Watson: “Model Gliders,” Energy and Transportation category
Seventh and eighth grades
Dimery Plewe: “This Little Minion Went to the Market, This Little Minion Had None,” Behavioral and Social Sciences category
Harmon Rainer, Megan Noah: “Harvesting the Sun,” Energy category
Kale Hall: “Coaching Techniques”, Behavioral and Social Sciences category

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