I wondered what Christmas was like 60 years ago.
Mancos Times-Tribune, Dec. 24, 1964
Christmas week and all the activities! What a wonderful time! If we didn't have all this rushing, wouldn't we feel we had been left out or forgotten?
The Methodist church will present their annual Christmas program at the church at 7 p.m. on Christmas eve.
The LDS church will present their Christmas program at the church on Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. It will feature a duet by Louana Nelson and Fern Ellis, a solo by Vernon Ellis. The special speaker will be Tom Decker. The prayers will be given by Jerry Decker and Harry Halls.
The Baptist church presented their Christmas program Sunday at the church with the elementary department under the direction of Mrs. Bill Crader presenting the Christmas story in verse.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Sheek and family will leave Wednesday where they will spend Christmas with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Holston and children attended the telephone party held on Saturday evening at the Dan Hunter room.
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Trevino, Mattie Holston and Janet Phillips returned from Mexico on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ott and family will host Rev. and Mrs. Soto and family on Christmas Day.
The Mancos volunteer firemen say - don't forget to make plans for our upcoming Firemen's Ball, New Year's eve.
Mancos Lodge No. 100 A.F.&A.M. holds its stated communications the first and third Tuesday of each month - Clay V. Bader, secretary.
Dick and Carol Patrick are the editors-publishers of the Mancos Times-Tribune published every Thursday at Mancos, Colo.
Phil Bauer, 81 years old and longtime resident of Mancos died Monday night in the Community Hospital in Durango. Mr. and Mrs. Bauer observed their 50th wedding anniversary in January 1963.
See Geraldine Wallace at the town hall for all types of insurance.
At Bauer's Dry Goods boys hooded sweat shirts for $1.98 and cotton sheet blankets for $2.25.
Shop first at the Mancos Drug Co. where you will receive Mor-Value stamps with every purchase. We will be closed Christmas day.
Support your neighbors - clover rich milk is produced in the beautiful Mancos valley by Clover Rich Dairy Products, Inc.
Darrel Ellis is a longtime historian of the Mancos Valley. Email him at [email protected].