Mine where 2 died cited for 92 violations


Mine where 2 died cited for 92 violations

Citations issued for period from Aug 1, 2013 to July 31
Rick Williams is shown with granddaughter Marley near Mancos on New Year’s Day 2012. Investigators are still trying to determine how two miners, including Williams, were killed and 20 others injured after exposure to carbon monoxide at the Revenue Mine south of Ouray. On Thursday, the Mine Safety and Health Administration issued a Pattern of Violations Notice to the mine for more than 92 serious and significant violations.

Mine where 2 died cited for 92 violations

Rick Williams is shown with granddaughter Marley near Mancos on New Year’s Day 2012. Investigators are still trying to determine how two miners, including Williams, were killed and 20 others injured after exposure to carbon monoxide at the Revenue Mine south of Ouray. On Thursday, the Mine Safety and Health Administration issued a Pattern of Violations Notice to the mine for more than 92 serious and significant violations.
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