When Bob Seney leaves Mancos at the end of August, he'll leave behind a seat in many town organizations.
As vicar of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, president and a founding member of the Mancos Valley Historical Society, president of the Friends of the Library, and a Planning and Zoning Commission member Seney has been a big part of the community.
"It's all been a labor of love," he said.
Seney was drawn to Colorado because of his love of skiing and came to Mancos in 2006 after he retiring from his career as a professor.
"I am going to move my body where my heart already is," he recalled saying to himself.
Looking back on the work he leaves behind, he is proud of the commitment from the 12 members of St. Paul's who raised $10,000 to help restore the building.
"This is the hardest part of leaving - leaving the St. Paul's family," he said.
He also helped relaunched the Historical Society seven months ago. I has grown to a membership of about 60, club officer Linda Simmons said.
"He took the bull by the horns and organized a couple of meetings. By the second meeting, we were able to elect officers," she said.
She said he had a great sense for what the group needed and created a membership chair and projects position. Now, the group is looking forward to an active future in the community.
As for his work with groups and stints as an adjunct professor at San Juan Community College and Southwest community College, Seney said he was brought up serve his community.
He jokes about his busy schedule and advises using a color-coded calendar.
This Labor Day weekend, he'll be moving to Lakewood, a suburb of Denver, to do educational consulting and take advantage of other opportunities.