Send announcements to [email protected]. Items submitted less than two weeks in advance will be less likely to be published. Entries may be edited for length and content.
Thursday, July 24
“Wildlife Conservation and Zooarchaeology,” presented by Steve Wolverton at 7 p.m., Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, 23390 Road K, Cortez. It’s part of the 2014 Four Corners Lecture Series. Admission is free. Call 970-564-4362.
The Mancos Friends of the Library are celebrating the library’s 5-year anniversary with a community celebration from 6 to 8 p.m.. The event will include a book sale, live piano music by Lee Bartley, a reading by John Wright from La Grulla and storytelling by John Pfeiffer, aka Mancos John, from Fantastical Treasure Tales of the Colorado Rockies. There will also be cake and ice cream.
The Colorado Department of Human Services plans a town hall meeting at 8 a.m. at Montezuma County Annex, 107 N. Chestnut in Cortez to discuss its strategic planning for 2015. The public is encouraged to attend.
July 25–27
Mancos Days events will be held in Boyle Park and around town during the three-day festival. Events will start at 9:30 a.m. Friday with a kids parade and conclude with water fights Sunday afternoon. Find a full schedule at
Friday, July 25
The Artisans of Mancos artist cooperative gallery at 101 Grand Ave. in Mancos hosts a new-artist reception for Bonnie Loving, horseshoe sculpture artist, at 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., in conjunction with Mancos Days. Refreshments will be provided.
Saint Barnabas of the Valley Episcopal Church in Cortez will celebrate the 40th anniversary of its Bozeman-Gibson pipe organ with a recital by one of its builders, George Bozeman at 6:30 p.m. The public is invited. A reception will follow.
The San Juan Mountains Association will host a program for toddlers and preschool student at Denny Lake from 10–11 a.m. Kids will learn about local critters, explore the natural world, read related books and have fun. Free. Contact SJMA: [email protected] or 759-1170.
Saturday, July 26
Annual Mancos Centennial Scholarship Spaghetti Dinner will be held at the Mancos school cafeteria, 5:30-7 p.m. Dinner is $10 for adults. Children 10 and under eat free. The dinner benefits two scholarships for Mancos high school seniors each year.
Mancos Boy Scout Troop 518 and Cub Scouts’ annual Pancake Breakfast fundraiser, Mancos School Cafeteria, before the Mancos Days Parade, 6:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Cost: $5 per adult; $2.50 per child 10 years and younger; $12 per family of two adults and two children under 10 years. Advance tickets sold at the school cafeteria door the morning of the event.
San Juan Mountain Association volunteers plan to rebuild and repair the boardwalk at the Calico Trail above Dolores. Meet at the trailhead at 8 am. Wear long pants, sturdy shoes, a hat, and bring gloves, water and eye protection. To help call Chris Bouton, 882-6831.
For Pets’ Sake Humane Society will hold its Summer Wine Festival from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Cliffrose Gardens east of Cortez on U.S. 160. The evening will include wines and beers, other cold beverages, appetizers, desserts, music by Redneck Synfuny, and a silent auction. Proceeds benefit local pets. Information: (970) 565-PETS/7387.
Meet Judy Marquez, candidate for Montezuma County clerk and recorder, at the home of Don and Ann Brown, 28829 U.S. 160, Cortez, 2:30–4:30 p.m.
Tim Sullivan, world-renown singer-songwriter is coming to Cortez. Tim will play at 7 p.m. at the American Legion Post 75, 320 N. Harrison, 565-8151. More information at
July 28
The Piñon Project will hold a 12-week Strengthening Families parenting class beginning weekly on Monday, July 28, 5:30–8 p.m., at The Piñon Project Annex Campus, 300 N. Elm St., Cortez. For families with children 12 to 17 years old. Dinner and childcare for children under 12 years. Free for participants. Enrollment is limited. Call Lara at 564-1195.
Wednesday, jULY 29
The Montezuma County Fair Horticulture/Agriculture/Design Show, July 31 to Aug. 2. Classes include: Flowers, fruits and vegetables, foliage, herbs, houseplants, educational displays, and floral design. Entries accepted July 30 from 3-8 p.m. Floral design and educational entries require pre-registration by July 29. Call Dayna Herrick at 570-9048. For questions about the show, call Mary Ann Bruner 565-9158.
Thursday, July 31
“Does Theology Evolve?” will be the topic at 6:30 for the next “How You Can Be Part of a Christian Community with Integrity and Not Believe All Those Things You Thought You Had to Believe” conversation held at St. Barnabas Church (corner of North and Elm). Questions required. No answers promised. Call 565-7865 for information.
The Tuesday Afternoon Women’s Bowling League will hold a meeting at Lakeside Lanes at 1 p.m. There will be open bowling practice afterward. This will include 3 games for the price of 2. Information: Betsy at 882-1242.
There will be a meeting for citizens to weigh in on the management of the San Juan Skyway, 6–8:30 p.m., Mancos Grange, 680 Grand Ave. RSVP by July 28 to Kathy Sherer: [email protected] or 970-884-2355
Aug. 1–2
Presbyterian women will have their back-to-school rummage sale from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Montezuma Valley Presbyterian Church, 350 S. Washington St. Proceeds go toward mission projects. For info: 565-7024.
Aug. 1-3
The Cortez Hot Air Balloon Rally will start each day at 6:30 a.m. flying from Parque de Vida. KOA Kampgrounds will be the host for balloons flying from its park. Volunteers are needed. Call Cookie See: 505-977-2679.
Monday, Aug. 4
The Montelores Early Childhood Council will hold its next monthly luncheon meeting at 11:45 a.m., in downstairs Meeting Room 110, in the Johnson Building, 525 South Broadway, in Cortez. The public is invited. Lunch will be provided so please RSVP to Vangi McCoy by calling 970-749-7017.
Tuesday, Aug. 5
First Tuesday Evening Market. Local produce, handmade goods, music. At City Park next to the Welcome Center on Main, 4-7 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Information: Gretchen, 509-830-4380.
The Mancos Public Library, 211 W. First St., continues the Little People Seasonal Storytime starting every Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. The program follows the Mancos Re-6 schedule and runs through May. Children ages 2-6 will be taught songs, verses and stories. A craft is also offered. Free. Call the Library at 533-7600 or visit
Friday Aug. 8
The 38th Annual Escalante Days celebration in Dolores, beginning at 4:30 p.m. Friday and 6 a.m. Saturday. Mountain bike race, live music, food, parade, softball tournament, bike race, duck race, activities for kids and families. Venues include Flanders Park and Dolores River Brewery’s indoor and outdoor stages. Information: 970-882-4018, or
Escalante Days: Free Children’s Bicycle Rodeo after the Children’s Parade behind the Dolores Medical Center. Learn safety skills. Participants receive free helmets and chance to win a bike.
Saturday, Aug. 9
Escalante Days mountain bike race starts at 9:50 a.m. at Fifth and Central in Dolores. Register at by Aug. 6 ($35)or on race day ($45) at 8 a.m. at the Dolores Medical Office. Information: Volunteers needed: Contact Laurel Rematore at [email protected] or 970-529-4642. Proceeds benefit various Dolores Rotary projects.
Seed School in A Day will be taught at the Mt. Lookout Grange, 680 Grand Ave, Mancos, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. It will be taught by Bill and Belle of Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance. Register online at
K-9 Search and Rescue Team Inc will host its annual pancake breakfast at the “Doghouse,” 35 Railroad Avenue in Dolores. Doors open at 6 a.m. Cost: $5
League of Women Voters of Montezuma County holds its monthly meeting at 9 a.m. at the Ponderosa Restaurant in Dolores. As part of the series “Know Your Community,” the speaker will be Terri Wheeler of the Montezuma Housing Authority. Info: 533-1051.
Saturday, Aug. 16
Dirt Riot 4x4 Endurance Racing at BattleRock Offroad Park, 5740 County Road G. Gates open at 9 a.m. Full-day action, with food vendors. More than 40 competitors. Tickets: $15/adult; $5 ages 8-16; free for ages 7 and under.
Sunday, Aug. 17
All Terrain Hero Race.Run.Walk at BattleRock Offroad Park, 5740 County Road G, Registration online at or 6:30-7:10 a.m. day of the race. First flight for timed racers at 7:15 a.m. All funds from the All Terrain Hero raise money for The Gwendolyn Strong Foundation. The run is 4.5 miles on rough terrain, with altitude changes. Information: [email protected]
Saturday, Aug. 30
Josh Blue, winner of Last Comic Standing, will perform in Cortez at 6 p.m. at the Parque de Vida pavilion to benefit Special Olympics Cortez. Gates open at noon. Bring ID to purchase alcohol. Cost: $20 in advance $25 at the gate. Tickets available at Rocky Mountain One Stop or 565-9249
Through August
Indian Dancers and Sam Sandoval, Navajo Code Talker at The Cultural Center, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 7-8 p.m. Every Wednesday at 8 p.m. in The Gallery: Sam Sandoval, WWII Navajo Code Talker. Note: Saturday, July 12 and Saturday, Aug. 9, there will be no Indian Dancers.
Tri-County Head Start/Early Head Start is taking enrollments for the 2014-2015 school year in Montezuma County. To see if your child qualifies to receive a head start, call Toni Gilge, 970-565-6040 ext. 11 (for 3-5-year-olds) or Nancy Daves 970-565-8850 (for infants and toddlers)
Saturday, Sept. 6
The Guardian Angel’s Walk to End Alzheimer’s is at Cortez City Park. Registration is at 9 a.m., and the Walk begins at 10 a.m. Country fair, with food, drinks, entertainment, games Free, but donations welcome. Information: Cindy Lichliter (749-2319).
Thursday, Sept. 18
The Mancos Tree Board will conduct a workshop on how to prune street trees, concentrating on the general area of Montezuma Avenue to 1st Street and Foch Street. and Main to Aztec Streets. Meet at Main and First streets at 9:30 am.
First Monday
Southwest Center for Independence Second Chance Brain Injury group meetings at noon at the Cortez office, 2409 E. Empire. Call Matthew at 570-8001.
Cortez Emblem Club No. 261 meets at 6:30 p.m. the first Monday (except in January and February). Call 565-2197.
First Tuesday
American Legion Ute Mountain Post 75 meets at 7 p.m. at the American Legion Hall, 320 N. Harrison St. Call 565-8151.
Dolores Mountain Quilters meets at 10 a.m. at the Dolores Community Center, 400 Riverside Ave, Dolores. The July meeting includes two demonstrations by Gail Braunn: easy half-square triangles, and disappearing 4 patch with variations. Information: or Judith Swain at 970-560-4426.
First Wednesday
Diabetes support group meets 3:30–5 p.m. in the Kiva Room at Southwest Memorial Hospital. Learn how to manage diabetes; share share ideas with others. Sessions are free and open to anyone with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. Contact Laura White, RD, at 564-2276 for details.
First Thursday
Montezuma County Republican Central Committee meets at noon at Shiloh’s Steakhouse. Email Nicci Crowley at [email protected] or call 570-9372.
Bariatric Surgery Weight Loss Support Group meets at 5–6:30 p.m. in the Kiva room at Southwest Memorial Hospital. Share ideas and exchange information with others who have had weight loss surgery at this free meeting. Contact Registered Dietitian Laura White, at 564-2276.
The Montezuma County VFW Post 5231 meets at 7 p.m. at the Post home in Mancos.
First Friday
First Friday Leadership at First National Bank in Cortez, 8–9 a.m. Free. Coffee and doughnuts at 7:45 a.m. Call Dena, 565-3414.
First and Third Thursdays
Learn signs and nursery rhymes at the Mancos Public Library at 10 a.m. All ages welcome. Call 970-403-9237.
Second Saturday
The Mancos Valley Historical Saturday meets at the Mancos Public Library at 10 a.m. Info: Bob Huffman: 406-249-7733
Second Tuesday
The Mancos Water Conservancy District board meetings are held at 7 p.m. at the district’s office 42599 Road N, Mancos. Info: Gary Kennedy 533-7325.
The Montezuma County Historical Society Board of Directors meets at 11:30 a.m. at the Cortez Elks Club and includes a no-host lunch. Anyone interested in the history of Montezuma County and the Four Corners is welcome.
Second Sunday
The Mancos Community Dinners each month at Mt. Lookout Grange in Mancos (680 Grand Ave). Pay-what-you-can dinner, bring a dish if you want. Info, to help out or to make donations call Gretchen at 509-830-4380.
Second Thursday
The Cortez Area Chamber of Commerce’s Business After Hours at various locations from 5–7 p.m. Call 565-3414.
Republican Women of Montezuma County invite the public to meet at noon at Shiloh’s Steakhouse at 5 Veach St., Cortez. Call Rosemarie Beall at 564-1576.
A free legal self-help clinic for Montezuma County parties without an attorney are 2-5 p.m. at the Mancos Public Library, 211 W. First St. Volunteer attorneys will assist one-on-one, via computer link. First-come, first-served.
Third Saturday
Christian Motorcycle Association, CMA – Cortez Chapter holds its 8 a.m. breakfast, 9 a.m. chapter meeting and 10 a.m. ride (weather permitting). At Beny’s restaurant in Cortez. Call Chapter President Steve Reed at 970-565-7233. No motorcycle required.
Third Wednesday
The Cortez Area Chamber of Commerce Luncheon is held at noon at Shiloh Steakhouse. Call 565-3414.
Third Thursday
Dolores secondary PTO meets the third Thursday of every month at 3:45 p.m. in Mr. Thurston’s office. Email Heather Alvarez at [email protected] or call Tif at 903-8752.
Fourth Tuesday
4 Corners Republican Women’s Club meets at 11:30 a.m. at the Cortez Elk’s Lodge. Information: 565-2197.
Fourth Thursday
Monthly Civil Air Patrol Senior Squadron’s monthly meeting, 6:30 pm, First Baptist Church of Mancos, 150 N. Walnut St.
Last Thursday
Suicide Support Group, 6:15 p.m. Hospice of Montezuma, 1345 S. Broadway, Cortez. Information: 565-4400.
Every Sunday
First United Methodist Church has a Native American Worship Service at 2 p.m. Information: 565-3002.
Every Tuesday
The Montezuma Agility Dog Club’s Basic Obedience classes for dogs 5 1/2 months and older. Classes are Tuesdays at 7 p.m., last one hour, and begin on April 29 and continue for six weeks. Class size is limited. Registration is first-come, first-served. Information: 970-882-5404.
The Dolores Public Library answers technology/software questions about Microsoft Word, email, digital pictures, etc. Free at 2-5 p.m. Call 882-4127.
The Mancos Public Library, offers Little People Storytime on Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. The program is geared toward children ages 2- 6, but all ages are welcome. Information: 533-7600.
Free medical care, Tuesday from 1 to 1:30 p.m., St. Barnabas Church, 110 W. North St., Cortez. Call 565-4436 to schedule or show up. Limited primary and pediatric care.
The Mancos Public Library, 211 W. First St., continues the Little People Seasonal Storytime starting Aug. 5 and running every Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. The program follows the Mancos Re-6 schedule and runs through May. Children ages 2-6 will be taught songs, verses and stories. A craft is also offered. Free. Call the Library at 533-7600 or visit
Every Wednesday
The Way Christian Church Bible Studies class at 6 p.m.
Wednesday Morning Yoga will be from 9:30 to 11 a.m. at Kaleidoscope, 233 Park St. in Mancos.
Every Thursday
Raising Readers Storytime offers songs, stories, crafts and silliness, using the Early Childhood Literacy Initiative program at the Cortez Public Library, 202 N. Park St. For preschoolers at 10:30 a.m. Older children may attend the craft at 11:15 a.m.
Free Community Dinner at 6 p.m. at the Cortez Family Worship Center Foursquare Church, 500 N. Washington. Donation appreciated. Call 565-3709.
Country music and dancing for senior residents at the Cortez Senior Center, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Every Friday
Friendship Social Group, 1 p.m. at Beny’s Diner, 640 S. Broadway, Cortez. For those who are looking for support with finding new friends and social activities after a loss, or need a break from the role of a caregiver. Sponsored by Hospice of Montezuma.
Every Saturday
The Mancos Indoor Flea Market is open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the old hardware store in Mancos, 192 S. Main St. To become a vendor, call Queenie Barz at 749-9320. The booth fee is $15 per weekend, along with insurance and vendor license charges.