Montezuma County’s homebound population receives vaccine


Montezuma County’s homebound population receives vaccine

Health officials urge more homebound individuals to sign up for vaccine
EMTs from Southwest Health System prepare to administer Tresa Gleeson’s second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine.
Tresa Gleeson receives the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.
Teams of paramedics from Southwest Health System began delivering vaccine to homebound individuals last month.
EMTs Ashley Lingo and Roger Beckermeyer wait for 15 minutes with Tresa Gleeson to ensure there is no reaction to the vaccine.
Tresa Gleeson and her daughter, Salli McCartin, together after EMTs administered Gleeson’s second dose of the coronavirus vaccine.

Montezuma County’s homebound population receives vaccine

EMTs from Southwest Health System prepare to administer Tresa Gleeson’s second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine.
Tresa Gleeson receives the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.
Teams of paramedics from Southwest Health System began delivering vaccine to homebound individuals last month.
EMTs Ashley Lingo and Roger Beckermeyer wait for 15 minutes with Tresa Gleeson to ensure there is no reaction to the vaccine.
Tresa Gleeson and her daughter, Salli McCartin, together after EMTs administered Gleeson’s second dose of the coronavirus vaccine.
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