Raising Readers announces June theme
STEM – science, technology, engineering and math – is the June theme of the Raising Readers Storytime at the Cortez Public Library, 202 N. Park St., Cortez, CO.
Preschool Storytime program is held every Thursday at 10:30 a.m. Older children are welcome to join for a craft at 11:15 a.m.
The library also offers a summer Storytime at the Cortez Farmers Market every Saturday at 10:30 a.m., weather permitting.
“Play with Your Food” is the subject on June 5 and June 7. “Wild Weather Explorers” will be introduced on June 12 and June 14. Yuck! Grossology” will be discussed on June 19 and, June 21. “Bubbleguts” will be on June 26 and June 28.
Information: 565-8117.
Nashville band coming to Montelores Baptist
Nashville-based Ernie Couch & Revival will be in concert June 5 at 7 p.m. at Montelores Baptist Church, presenting a high-energy mix of classic and cutting-edge gospel music.
The band has been on the road for two decades, has been nominated for a Grammy, and has had several charting singles in the U.S. and Europe. EC&R has recorded with musical greats such as George Beverly Shea, Jake Hess, George Jones, Boots Randolph, Patti Page and Petra, to name a few.
The free concert will be followed by a pie and ice cream social. Donations will be accepted.
Montelores Baptist Church is at 18735 County Road 23.5 off Colorado 184 across from Narraguinnep Reservoir. Call 882-2418.
Class of 1984 needs help locating grads
MCHS Class of 1984 is having its reunion July 11-13, 2014, and still needs help finding these classmates:
Angie Hayward, Beatrice Ruel, Brenda Wilber, Charlotte Hager, Claudine Loyd, Danny Rowe, Diane Farley, Elizabeth Adams, Eric Anderson, Leah Hayden, Lisa Trujillo, Lori Campbell, Marie Shearer, Melody Kelley, Melvin Beecher, Michael Baker, Mike Henry, Mike Willey, Nathan Kerr, Neal Farr, Nelma Grimes, Prisllena Lopez, Rick Mueller, Rodney Keith, Sharon Sloan, Susan Benally, Tracie Lehmann and Walt Sigety.
Contact Cara (Porter) Rieb at 970-560-9334 or [email protected].
The Cortez Journal