Sheriff's comeback campaign advances

Sheriff's comeback campaign advances

Clerk: Spruell petition has enough signatures for ballot

Sheriff's comeback campaign advances

Spruell's statement

'On March 21st, the Republican Caucus was held. Unfortunately, I lacked 8 votes to get on the ballot. So much positive has been accomplished during my term of Sheriff that I am not ready to step down. I was informed by the Clerk's Office on Monday the 24th that I only had 7 days to gather 809 registered Montezuma County Republican signatures. With the assistance of numerous supporters, who went door to door, stood on the street corner and contacted friends and family, I was able to turn 1123 signatures into the Clerk's Office. I would like to thank all those who petitioned for me and those who signed the petition. I am pleased the Republican party now has a choice who their next sheriff will be. I encourage them to come to the forums and debates and make an educated decision on the sheriff who will be best for them and Montezuma County.'

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