The duo of You Knew Me When will be bringing their self-described blend of singer-songwriter soul, with a pop and rock mentality to the Mancos Melt Saturday.
Cie and Karisa Hoover brought two very different musical backgrounds to their work.
“We’ve learned from each other’s strengths and limitations and how to build from there. I think our differing backgrounds is one of our greatest assets as a musical partnership,” Cie said.
Cie, a guitar player, brought a hard-rock background. While Karisa brought a background in musical education and plays the piano, ukulele and glockenspiel.
The two left full-time jobs in June 2012 to tour the nation for a year as completely independent musicians. But they never stopped. At the time, Karisa was teaching music in public school and Cie was working as a global event manager for Gibson Guitar.
“We loved our jobs, but they just didn’t offer enough time for the creative side of music,” Cie said.
On tour the couple has spent plenty of time in small towns and have found their style of music is well-suited for a relaxed atmosphere where they can have a drink after the show and make friends and fans one-by-one.
Life experience inspires much of their music, Cie said.
“Like music, life can sometimes be majestic, sometimes gritty and unclear,” He said.
The couple released their first album called You, Me and the Rest of the World in 2012 and it can be found on their website at
The couple plans to record their second studio album later this year and once it is finished they plan to get right back on the road.