U.S. House candidates distancing from Cowboys for Trump leader

U.S. House candidates distancing from Cowboys for Trump leader

Couy Griffin: Some Black athletes should ‘go back to Africa’
In this 2019 file photo, Otero County Commissioner and Cowboys for Trump founder Couy Griffin denounces gun control and pro-abortion rights bills in the New Mexico State Legislature at a protest outside the Statehouse in Santa Fe. The group said this week seek arbitration in a fight with the New Mexico Secretary of State over fines and required reports.

U.S. House candidates distancing from Cowboys for Trump leader

In this 2019 file photo, Otero County Commissioner and Cowboys for Trump founder Couy Griffin denounces gun control and pro-abortion rights bills in the New Mexico State Legislature at a protest outside the Statehouse in Santa Fe. The group said this week seek arbitration in a fight with the New Mexico Secretary of State over fines and required reports.
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