Activists take aim at conquistador statues in New Mexico


Activists take aim at conquistador statues in New Mexico

A damaged Christopher Columbus statue stands in a waterfront park near the city’s traditionally Italian North End neighborhood in Boston after the statue was found beheaded Wednesday morning. Statues of the 15th-century explorer and the Spanish conquistadors who followed him and colonized much of the Americas have not become targets for demonstrators in Spain and USA. The death of George Floyd at the hands of police and Minneapolis has sparked a re-examination of injustices and inequalities in the fabric of many societies, often symbolized in statues of historical figures have become the focus of protest around the world.

Activists take aim at conquistador statues in New Mexico

A damaged Christopher Columbus statue stands in a waterfront park near the city’s traditionally Italian North End neighborhood in Boston after the statue was found beheaded Wednesday morning. Statues of the 15th-century explorer and the Spanish conquistadors who followed him and colonized much of the Americas have not become targets for demonstrators in Spain and USA. The death of George Floyd at the hands of police and Minneapolis has sparked a re-examination of injustices and inequalities in the fabric of many societies, often symbolized in statues of historical figures have become the focus of protest around the world.
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