Whither snowboarders?


Whither snowboarders?

New technology contributing to decline in number of shredders and a growth in skiers
Percentage-wise, the number of snowboarders vs. skiers is declining. Skiers and a lone snowboarder head up the lift recently at Purgatory at Durango Mountain Resort.
The advent of twin-tipped skis allows skiers to attempt, and sometimes fail, at tricks that were not possible with traditional skis. This skier created a nice tail, but fell in the process.
Snowboarder Amon Ledger-Swenson finishes a run at Purgatory at Durango Mountain Resort.

Whither snowboarders?

Percentage-wise, the number of snowboarders vs. skiers is declining. Skiers and a lone snowboarder head up the lift recently at Purgatory at Durango Mountain Resort.
The advent of twin-tipped skis allows skiers to attempt, and sometimes fail, at tricks that were not possible with traditional skis. This skier created a nice tail, but fell in the process.
Snowboarder Amon Ledger-Swenson finishes a run at Purgatory at Durango Mountain Resort.