San Juans’ Mark Stiles to retire
The San Juan Mountains Association will hold an open house celebration on Monday, Nov. 18, to honor Mark Stiles on his upcoming retirement as the San Juan National Forest supervisor.
The public is invited to drop by the San Juan Public Lands Center Sonoran Rooms between 2-6 p.m. to help the association honor and recognize Stiles’ 32 years of public service.
Stiles started on the San Juan in 2002 and has been a supporter and friend to SJMA.
Trap club plans annual shoot
The Cortez Trap Club’s annual Turkey Shoot starts at 10 a.m. Nov. 17. Everyone is invited to bring a friend or the family.
There will be beginner, intermediate and pro classes; turkey shoots, buddy shoots, quail shoots, Annie Oakley’s and games, no shells available.
For information, call Mike Threlkeld at 749-1131 or Mel Elliot at 560-2610. Lunch will be available.
St. Barnabas plans Death Café
On Nov. 16 from 2 to 4 p.m., St. Barnabas Church will host a Death Café.
The objective of a Death Cafe is: “To increase awareness of death with a view to helping people make the most of their (finite) lives.”
This is a nonsectarian, international movement that provides a place for people to come together in a relaxed and safe setting to discuss death, drink tea and eat delicious cake. (St. Barnabas will have wine and cheese.)
On the 16th, there will be several brief presentations:
“Five Wishes” (an advanced directive about end of life care; making a will; and what hospice offers
Preparing for the inevitability of death, no matter what your age, is one way to provide peace of mind for those loved ones who will be left behind.
Call 565-7865 for more information.
Operation Christmas Child launched
The Trinity Lutheran Preschool is being transformed into a drop-off center for Operation Christmas Child.
Gift-filled shoeboxes - packed with toys, school supplies, hygiene items and notes of encouragement – are encouraged to be donated during Operation Christmas Child’s National Collection Week, Nov. 18–25.
For more information, call 970-565-3166 or email [email protected].