The story “Mine: ‘No public safety concerns’” (Journal, Oct. 8) caught my interest. I had health issues and symptoms related to mercury exposure more than six years ago and, through bioremediation, detoxification and chelation, recovered.
Since then, I have published several articles in the medical journal Explore! to share my findings. Mercury should not be taken lightly. Exposure has been connected to numerous symptoms including chronic fatigue, depression/ anxiety, panic attacks, severe bloating, high resting heart rates, skin lesions, crawling sensations (paresthesia), endocrine disorders and others. Carriage of mercury from mother to fetus is high as reflected in the EPA statement of “Methylmercury is particularly damaging to developing embryos, which are five to 10 times more sensitive than adults” (http://www.usgs.gov/themes/factsheet/146-00/).
Exposure has been connected to mental illness as well as high suicide rates. In a world where we are bombarded with toxins, it may be the best health plan is designed through self-education.
Joe Keleher, Cortez