Scores drop at Dolores schools

Scores drop at Dolores schools

Flap over Confederate flag partly to blame, some say
Dolores TCAP scores

Here is a 2012-2013 comparison of Dolores schools Transitional Colorado Assessment Program test scores listing the percentile of students scoring proficient by subject:
2012 2013
Math Math
High school: 68 High school: 56
Middle School: 53 Middle school: 45
Elementary: 51 Elementary: 42
Reading Reading
High school: 61 High school: 55
Middle school: 46 Middle school: 42
Elementary: 52 Elementary: 41
Writing Writing
High school: 58 High school: 45
Middle school:46 Middle school: 51
Elementary: 45 Elementary: 50
Source: Colorado Department of Education website

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