Pretty in Pink show helps locals join battle against cancer


Pretty in Pink show helps locals join battle against cancer

Pretty in Pink show gives locals a chance to donate
The Pretty in Pink Fashion Show will be at the Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery in Dolores on Thursday, Oct. 17.
Silent and live auctions, complimentary desserts and a cash bar are also planned for the event at Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery, 6 miles north of Cortez at 26650 CR P in Dolores.

Pretty in Pink show helps locals join battle against cancer

The Pretty in Pink Fashion Show will be at the Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery in Dolores on Thursday, Oct. 17.
Silent and live auctions, complimentary desserts and a cash bar are also planned for the event at Four Seasons Greenhouse and Nursery, 6 miles north of Cortez at 26650 CR P in Dolores.
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