Free legal clinic to be held at Mancos library
A free legal clinic for people who have no attorney, will be held from 4 to 7 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month at Mancos Public Library, 211 West First Street in Mancos.
By computer link, volunteer attorneys will answer questions, help fill out forms and explain the process and procedure for all areas of civil litigation, including family law, property law, probate law, collections, appeals, landlord-tenant law, small claims and civil protection orders
Walk-ins are welcome, and everyone will be helped on a first-come, first-served basis.
Upcoming dates are Aug. 8, Sept. 12, Oct. 10, Nov. 14 and Dec. 12.
Indoor flea market ongoing
The Mancos Flea Market is open every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Old Hardware Store, 192 S. Main, across the bridge and just past The Absolute Bakery. Everyone is welcome to come sell, browse and buy. Spaces are available - 12'x12' for $15 for both days.
Call 749-9320 for more information. Be sure to leave a message if there is no answer and your call will be returned.
Farmers Market opens
The Mancos Farmers Market is open in Boyle Park, with fresh produce and other goodies, local music and children's entertainment. Growers and vendors are needed; call Carrie Baikie at 759-2540.
Association seeks yearbooks
Mancos Alumni Scholarship Association is looking for Mancos High School yearbooks from 1939-1965 to borrow for a limited time. They are collecting as many years as possible to make copies to keep in Mancos High School. All yearbooks will be returned to owners after copies are made.
Call Susan Eppich at 533-7232 if you have yearbooks available.
All-School Reunion Spaghetti Dinner
The Mancos Alumni Scholarship Association is having its Third Annual All-School Reunion Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction on Saturday, July 27 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., in the Mancos Schools Cafeteria.
All proceeds will benefit the Mancos Centennial scholarship that is awarded each May to two MHS graduating seniors.
Adults $10, kids 10 and younger are free.
Book your class or family reunion with us for an extra special evening with other alumni, friends and family. For $25, decorations will be provided specific to your class.
For reunion reservations, contact Dolores Martinez (970) 533-7860 [email protected] or Margie Russell 970-533-7169 [email protected]
Cowboy photo booth returns
The Mancos Valley Arts Council will be hold its Cowboy Photo Booth for the third year at the Mancos Days celebration in Boyle Park near the old Mancos Jail with all the clothing, hats, rifles and other western items, for you, your children, pets and others.
Within an hour, these photos will be turned into packets of greeting cards (with envelopes) or matted "Wanted" posters.
The booth will open right after the parade on Saturday, July 27, and run through 4 p.m. It will also be in business on Sunday, July 28 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
A packet of 12 cards and envelopes is $20; the "Wanted" poster is also $20. If you want to use your own camera, we'll dress you, take the photo, and that will cost $5.
As usual, we have a selection of hats, and western stuff from Mountain Man Rob Wilson, and a roster of great photographers and dressers. Will Stone is lending us one of his covered wagons for a fantastic backdrop.
Mancos Day Pancake Breakfast 2013
Boy Scout Troop 518 will have their annual Pancake Breakfast fundraiser on July 27, before the Mancos Day Parade.
Breakfast will be held from 6:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. at the Mancos School Cafeteria, 395 Grand Ave. The cost is $5 for an adult for all you can eat pancakes and sausage. A family of two adults and two children younger than 10 may eat for $12.
Tickets are available at the door that morning.
The troop uses the fundraiser profits to support their service projects and activities throughout the year.
Get a great start on the day's festivities by enjoying breakfast prepared by the scouts and families of Troop 518, followed by the Mancos Days Parade.
For more information, please call Sensa Wolcott @ (970) 903-9882.
Ice Cream Social at Methodist Church
The Mancos UMC Youth Group will host an ice cream social and game night on Wednesday, July 31 at 7 p.m. in the church fellowship hall. All proceeds will benefit the youth group's mission trip to South Central Los Angeles this summer.
Call Pastor Craig at 533-7460 for more information.
Montezuma County Fair Garden Show
Mesa Verde Gardeners encourage all amateur gardeners or arrangers in Montezuma and the surrounding counties to participate in the Montezuma County Fair Horticulture/Agriculture/Design Show, which runs from July 31 to August 3.
There will be lots of prizes for best entries in every class. Classes include: Flowers, fruits and vegetables, foliage, herbs, houseplants, eggs, educational displays, and floral design.
Pick up a Fair Book from the Extension Office for complete details; entry tags are also available. Entries will be accepted on Wednesday, July 31 from 3 to 8 p.m.
Floral design entries and educational entries require pre-registration by July 30. Call Dayna Herrick at 565-2598.
If you have questions or for more information about the Horticultural Show, call Mary Ann Bruner 565-9158.
Presbyterian Church Rummage Sale
The Presbyterian Woman will hold their "Back to School" Rummage Sale on Friday and Saturday, Aug. 2 and 3 in the fellowship hall of the Montezuma Valley Presbyterian Church at 350 S. Washington in Cortez from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
There will be household goods, books, clothing, glassware, appliances, plants and a children's room
Proceeds go to the P.W. Mission Projects.
For further information, call 565-7024 or 565-8927.