The Cortez Journal encourages people to submit announcements about upcoming events for the Community Calendar. Send announcements to [email protected]. Items submitted less than two weeks in advance will be less likely to be published.
Community garage sale
Every Friday and Saturday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. through September there will be a community garage sale at Pleasant View Mercantile parking lot. Participate for free. Open to the public. For more information call 562-6372.
Baptist Vacation Bible School
SonWest Roundup is the theme for this years Vacation Bible School at the Baptist Chapel located at 1509 N. Dolores Rd. VBS will be held today and Wednesday from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. every evening. Children ages 2 to sixth grade are welcome.
Vacation Bible school at Arriola Bible Church
Got Fruit? That is the theme for Vacation Bible School at Arriola Bible Church held from 9 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. through Friday. We will be studying the Fruit of the Spirit – seeing how the Fruit of the Spirit was lived out in the lives of Bible characters. Our VBS program is for those 4 years old to sixth grade. Join us for great fun, singing, crafts, Bible Lessons and lunch.
Arriola Bible church is 8½ miles north of Cortez on Highway 491. For questions contact the church office at 882-4047
Dolores Chamber’s monthly meeting
The Dolores Chamber’s monthly membership meeting will be Wednesday at noon at the Ponderosa. Please attend to find out the latest on Escalante Days and listen to Jay Mann, our guest speaker. Jay is the assistant director at the Dolores Public Library and is implementing some very exciting and innovative programs at the library that will benefit local businesses as well as local individuals. Call the Chamber at 882-4018 for more information.
Dolores Chamber’s Business After Hours
The Dolores Chamber’s monthly Business After Hours will be Thursday from 5 to 7 p.m. at Four Corners Properties in Dolores. This is a wonderful opportunity to relax and network with other like-minded professional’s in the community while having some great food and refreshments. Call the Chamber at 882-4018 for more information.
Intermountain Weavers to hold conference
Intermountain Weavers Conference will be holding their biannual conference this month at Fort Lewis College from July 25 to 28. They offer fiber related three-day workshops, two gallery shows and shopping. There will be about 25 vendors coming to the conference with yarns, roving for spinning, knitting and weaving supplies, and handwoven items for sale. This will be the 30th anniversary. Visit their website at
All-School Reunion Spaghetti Dinner
The Mancos Alumni Scholarship Association is having their Third Annual All-School Reunion Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction on Saturday, July 27 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., in the Mancos Schools Cafeteria. All proceeds will benefit the Mancos Centennial Scholarship that is awarded each May to two M.H.S. graduating seniors. Adults $10, kids 10 and under are free. Book your class or family reunion with us for an extra special evening with other alumni, friends and family. For $25, decorations will be provided specific to your class. For reunion reservations, contact Dolores Martinez 970-533-7860 [email protected] or Margie Russell 970-533-7169 [email protected]
Mancos Day Pancake Breakfast
Boy Scout Troop 518 will have its annual Pancake Breakfast fundraiser on July 27, before the Mancos Day Parade. The Boy Scouts of Troop 518 invite the community to come and enjoy breakfast from 6:30 to 9:30 a.m. at the Mancos School Cafeteria, 395 Grand Ave. The cost for the breakfast is $5 for an adult for all you can eat pancakes and sausage. A family of two adults and two children younger 10 may eat for $12. Tickets are available at the door that morning. The troop uses the fundraiser profits to support their service projects and activities throughout the year. Get a great start on the day’s festivities by enjoying breakfast prepared by the scouts and families of Troop 518, followed by the Mancos Days Parade. For more information, please call Sensa Wolcott at (970) 903-9882.
30th reunion for MCHS graduates of 1983
Thirty years has flown by. In the age of social media, the reunion was being promoted on Facebook, and we failed to use the obvious one… the newspaper! Some of you have stayed close to Cortez, some have moved away, or were taken to the corners of the world for various reasons. On Saturday, join us to celebrate our graduation from High School.
We will be meeting at the Elks Lodge in Cortez. 6 p.m. Mingle & Cash Bar, 7 p.m. Dinner. Plans are in the works for a picnic on Sunday. If you plan to attend we need to know if you are bringing a guest, and if you will want chicken or steak. To RSVP, please email Lorna Jahn @ [email protected] or call (970) 799-0950 and leave a message. Price per person is around $50. Apologies for short notice. Please pass the word to all our classmates.
For Pets’ Sake Humane Society Wine Festival
For Pets’ Sake will hold its sixth annual Summer Wine Festival from 6:30 to 9 p.m. on Saturday at Cliffrose High Desert Gardens just east of Cortez on Highway 160. The evening will include wines and beers provided by Smitty’s Liquors, along with non-alcoholic beverages, yummy appetizers and desserts, music by Mason Cherry and a Silent Auction. Tickets are $25 each or two for $40, and are available before the event at Cliffrose Gardens and at the door. All proceeds benefit the cats and dogs of Montezuma and Dolores Counties. For more information call 565-PETS.
Montezuma County Fair Garden Show
Mesa Verde Gardeners encourage all amateur gardeners or arrangers in Montezuma and the surrounding counties to participate in the Montezuma County Fair Horticulture/Agriculture/Design Show, which runs from July 31 to August 3. There will be lots of prizes for best entries in every class. Classes include: Flowers, fruits and vegetables, foliage, herbs, houseplants, eggs, educational displays, and floral design. Pick up a Fair Book from the Extension Office for complete details; entry tags are also available. Entries will be accepted on Wednesday, July 31 from 3 to 8 p.m. Floral design entries and educational entries require pre-registration by July 30. Please call Dayna Herrick at 565-2598. If you have questions or for more information about the Horticultural Show call Mary Ann Bruner 565-9158.
August Storytime Theme
“Sail into August” is the August theme of Raising Readers Storytime at the Cortez Public Library, located at 202 N. Park St., Cortez.
Storytime is held every Thursday at 10:30 a.m. at the library and every Saturday at 10:30 a.m. at the Cortez Farmers Market on the corner of Elm and Main streets (weather permitting) for preschool-aged children. Older children are welcome to join us for the craft at 11:15 a.m. on Thursdays. The Saturday Storytime will follow the same theme of the regular Thursday Storytime.
We are “Dig(ging) into Reading” following the national Summer Reading Program theme. It’s not too late to pick up a Summer Reading Program reading log. The program ends August 24th.
“Worms!” is the subject on Thursday, August 1 and Saturday August 3. “Let’s Rock!” will be discussed on Thursday, August 8 and Saturday, August 10. “Magical Troublemakers” will be the focal point on Thursday, August 15 and Saturday, August 17. Next up is “Goblins, Fairies, Elves, OH NO!” on Thursday, August 22 and Saturday, August 24. We’ll wrap up the month with “Labor Day” on Thursday, August 29 and Saturday, August 31.
Raising Readers Storytime offers songs, stories, crafts and silliness and uses the Early Childhood Literacy Initiative program.
For more information, call the library at 970-565-8117.
Blackwood Legacy Quartet in concert
The Blackwood Legacy Quartet will be in concert on Thursday, Aug. 1, at 7 p.m. at Montelores Baptist Church in Dolores. There will be a free community dinner at 6 p.m. Admission is free and an offering will be received. Boasting an unbroken lineage to the Dove and Grammy-award winning Blackwood Brothers, The Blackwood Legacy Quartet link the best of Southern Gospel’s traditional sound with today’s newer Country gospel and worship music.
Montelores Baptist Church is located at 18735 Road 23.5 (off Highway 184, across from Narraguinnep Reservoir). For more information you can call the church at 882-2418 or visit
Leadership program at First National Bank
The first Friday of each month you are invited by the Cortez Area Chamber of Commerce to participate in a leadership development program at First National Bank, 2258 E Main in Cortez.
There is no cost to attend and no membership is needed. Coffee and pastries are provided for this informal, open discussion about Leadership and how we can all develop our ability to make a difference in our jobs, our lives and our communities. All of us possess the capacity for leadership, but only those who cultivate it will ever become truly effective leaders actively participating in shaping your future and the future of others.
Please join us Aug. 2 for coffee and introductions at 7:45 a.m. with the leadership discussion from 8 to 9 a.m. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend. For more information call Dena at the Cortez Area Chamber of Commerce 565-3414.
Presbyterian Church Rummage Sale
The Presbyterian Woman will hold their “Back to School” Rummage Sale on Friday and Saturday, Aug. 2 and 3. It will be held in the fellowship hall of the Montezuma Valley Presbyterian Church at 350 S. Washington in Cortez from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. There will be household goods, books, clothing, glassware, appliances, plants and a children’s room.
Proceeds go to the P.W. Mission Projects. For further information you may call 565-7024 or 565-8927.
Volunteer needed for Hot Air Balloon Rally Crew volunteers are needed for the Cortez Hot Air Balloon Rally August 2-4 at Parque De Vida. Morning launches (weather permitting) will take place on Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 6:30 a.m. Volunteers are needed for all 3 mornings. Wear sturdy shoes, long pants, and bring gloves. It is a fun experience to lend a hand to balloon pilots for the launches and landings! Be at the park by 6:30 a.m.
Questions, call Cookie See at (505) 977-2679
The balloons fly at the mercy of the winds and pilots seek clear spaces to safely land. If you are willing to allow a balloon to land in your yard, lay out a white sheet as a signal.
MCHS 1993 Class Reunion
MCHS graduates of 1993, let’s celebrate our 20th!
Please join your classmates at Addison’s on Saturday, August 3 at 6:30 p.m. Kiffanie Palmer, Shay Allred and Shannon Maley will be providing the appetizers. Dinner and drinks will be on your own. Pass the word around and let’s celebrate!
Lighthouse Baptist Church Vacation Bible School
Lighthouse Baptist Church will be hosting this year’s vacation Bible school, “Investigation Destination: Follow Clues to the King of Kings.” All children, kindergarten through sixth grade, are invited to attend this special week at Lighthouse Baptist Church, 11502 Highway 145, Aug. 5-9, from 9 a.m. to noon. Church vans will be available for children needing a ride. Please call the church office at 565-9302 for more information.
M-CHS 1963 50th class reunion
The M-CHS class of 1963 is having its 50th class reunion Aug. 15 and 16. There are several people who organizers are unable to locate. If anyone knows the location of any of these people, please call and let us know: Gordon Rourk, Kathryn (Lynch) Martinez, Lucille (Luthi) Waterman, Mike Fisher, Myrtha (Bryan) Brossard, Natalie Jean Harvey, Paul Norris, Vickie (Roberts) McGuire, Wes Dunlap and Sharon Mays. Please call 749-0264 or 570-5181.
DHS Class of 1993 20-year reunion
The 20-year reunion for the Dolores High School Class of 1993 will be held Saturday, August 10 at 6 p.m. at the Rio Grande Southern in Dolores. All members of the DHS Class of 1993 are cordially invited to attend. Please call Kiera at (281) 723-3151 or email [email protected] to RSVP or for additional information.
K-9 Team hosting annual pancake breakfast benefit
The K-9 Search and Rescue Team will again be sponsoring their annual pancake breakfast on Saturday, Aug. 10, from 6 a.m. onward. Located at 35 Railroad Avenue in Dolores (next to the Dolores Fire Dept.), K-9 Search and Rescue Team Inc. is a 100 percent volunteer nonprofit organization that is on-call 24-hours a day, 365 days a year, regardless of weather conditions or circumstances, to assist local, state, and federal agencies in the search for missing persons.
The annual pancake breakfast is the team’s largest fundraiser and is held during August, and features a hot cooked breakfast for a small donation. The funds from the pancake breakfast help purchase and update vital equipment, and maintain basic operational readiness for when the Team is needed. Plan to come support the Team, meet the “K-9’ers,” view the facility, and hang out with the four-legged members of the team! For more information call (970) 882-4746 or visit
Montelores Early Childhood Council Meeting
The Montelores Early Childhood Council (MECC) will hold their next monthly luncheon meeting on the second Monday in August on the 12, at 11:45 a.m., at the Cortez Church of Christ Annex, 631 E. Montezuma Ave. All are invited to these meetings, especially parents. Lunch will be provided so please RSVP to MECC’s coordinator, Vangi McCoy, [email protected], PO Box 1725, Cortez, CO 81321, phone 749-7017.
League of Women Voters present Bill Thompson
On Saturday, August 17 at 9 a.m. at the Ponderosa Restaurant, 108 S. 8th Street in Dolores the League of Women Voters will present a program on an issue that will appear on the November ballot. Bill Thompson, chair of the Montezuma County Hospital District Board (MCHD) will discuss why local voters will be asked to approve easing of restrictions imposed on the District by Colorado law. The restrictions are limiting the ability of the District to obtain State grants for equipment that benefits the hospital and the community. No tax increase is involved. For more information, contact Judy Schuenemeyer at [email protected].
Harvest Beer Festival
Sample microbrews from eight regional breweries at the foot of Mesa Verde in beautiful Cortez on Saturday, Sept. 7, from 5 to 9 p.m. This year’s festival will feature music by Cortez’s very own Beautiful Loser Society. Food vendors will be on hand and there will be children’s activities. All proceeds benefit Montezuma Land Conservancy, the only nonprofit land conservation organization focused on land protection in Southwest Colorado.
Beer tasting: $30 includes beer tasting, souvenir pint glass, door prizes and live music. Must be 21 years of age. General Admission: $15 includes pint glass, door prizes, live music and nonalcoholic beverages. Children: 12 and under free with paid adult.
For more information call 556-1664 or go to [email protected]