Carver Brewing Co. brings home the Pueblo-Hatch chile war


Carver Brewing Co. brings home the Pueblo-Hatch chile war

Durango brewpub will pit Colorado, New Mexico chiles head to head
The debate over whether Colorado or New Mexico chiles is better heated up this month as the governors of both states have gotten involved on social media. Carver Brewing Co. in Durango aims to settle the debate by letting guests taste Pueblo and Hatch green chiles and vote on their favorite.

Carver Brewing Co. brings home the Pueblo-Hatch chile war

The debate over whether Colorado or New Mexico chiles is better heated up this month as the governors of both states have gotten involved on social media. Carver Brewing Co. in Durango aims to settle the debate by letting guests taste Pueblo and Hatch green chiles and vote on their favorite.
What to drink with the chiles

“A rule in beer pairing is you want to either complement or contrast your flavors, and what you really want to match is the intensity of whatever you’re pairing with,” said Carver brewing Co. owner Mike Hurst. “Obviously, with some green chiles with some heat, you need a beer that’s not going to get completely overwhelmed by the flavor of the chiles. I like to bring out that heat with hoppy beers – our Jack Rabbit Pale Ale would be a classic pairing.
“With certain peppers, you can do a darker beer, like a stout or our coffee porter,” he said.
Chef Dave Cuntz said Carver’s Lightner Creek Lager is a straightforward beer that won’t inundate the chiles.