On Friday night, part of the proceeds from a wide variety of Montezuma County eateries will be dedicated to the Bridge Emergency Shelter.
This fundraiser has everything going for it. The cause is worthy. The effort is one that many people would be making anyway. The restaurants will be supporting their community in a way that produces positive results. That plan has attractive geometry: People who sleep in the sage will get a boost from people who can afford to go out for dinner on a Friday night.
Real success, though, depends on people who might otherwise eat dinner at home. If the restaurants have a regular crowd, the contribution to the Bridge comes out of their own budgets — and it’s no secret how often local businesses get hit up for donations. If, however, those establishments do a land-office business this evening, it will be their patrons funding the assistance.
Everyone who goes out tonight should be sure the restaurants they choose are on the list — The List, the roster of restaurants that support The Bridge.
Supporters who’d prefer not to brave what we hope will be big crowds can write a check directly to the Bridge.
Bon appetit!