This is in response to a letter to the Journal by Joel Tryon regarding a discussion at the June 14 Empire Electric Association board meeting (“Do EEA candidates care about costs?” June 17). He quotes me (as “a visitor”) as saying, in regard to the comparative costs of renewables and carbon energy, “For some of us, an increase in cost is not an issue.”
Well, now, anyone familiar with my finances knows that budget is an issue, and I would guess that this is true for a majority of people in the Empire Electric utility area. I am not sure that was an exact quote by Mr. Tryon because I was saying that for a lot of us, clean energy and the environment take priority over getting the price lower. It is a matter of emphasis; it doesn’t have to be one over the other.
I do not know the costs of clean energy versus carbon-producing energy. But I do know the situation is grave and that I would rather pay more than roast like a pig on a spit under heat-trapping greenhouse gases.
Anne Bowler