The Great Mancos Arts Roundup: Well, what is there to say? The Arts Council's debut event went so much better than any of us expected! There were 24 artists in 16 locations - 15 artists in the "Downtown Loop" (galleries and studios in town) and another nine in the "Outer Loop" - studios and workshops spread out from town.
We had visitors from Blanding, Utah, Farmington, Ouray, Silverton and, of course, from Durango, Dolores and Cortez.
People heard about the Roundup on the radio, in the newspaper, on Facebook, word-of-mouth, and posters. Our supporting partner in this endeavor, the Mancos Valley Chamber of Commerce, sent out eblasts and newsletters to several hundred recipients. This year's creative line-up included Milt Beens, Patricia Burk, Shanna Bender, Kelly Chilcott, Patsy Davis, Deb Doty, Jay Fann, Ginny Getts, Amy Grogan, Lora Hover, Brian Killigrew, Marilyn Kroeker, Janet Lever-Wood, Susan Matteson, June McCartney, Janice Reich, Patty Russell, Carol Van den Harten, Collette Webster and Brian Kyle, Rob and Mary Wilson, Jan Wright and me.
The Artisans Co-op posted their highest sales day ever. Overflow crowds frequented Fahrenheit for refueling, and I hear Nate Funmaker took some custom hat orders.
We were the first "arts festival" of the summer season, opening on the summer solstice!
Stay tuned for next year. Bigger and, more importantly, even better. Thank you to everyone who participated, who bought some art and showed the world that the arts are thriving here in Mancos!
The show must go on! As we are winding down the Roundup and The Car Show, the next show at the Town Gallery is gearing to open on Friday, July 12, with a reception/community party from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. The show, at this time, is themed "The Horse Show." Pretty original, huh? There are nine artists signed up to participate - wouldn't you know it, all the artists are women. The roster is Ginny Getts, Patricia Burk, Susan Matteson, Janet Lever-Wood, Jan Wright, Marilyn Kroeker, Amy Grogan, Patsy Davis and me! If you would like to be part of this exhibit, get in touch with me as soon as possible. The deadline for getting your art to me is Wednesday, July 3. Everyone is invited to join. All that we ask is that your art (any medium is OK) be about horses in some way.
The Mancos Heritage Project: A volunteer effort spearheaded by the Town of Mancos, the Chamber and the Arts Council, is hitting high gear. The mural on the west (and south!) walls of Mancos Liquors is complete and conveys just the right feeling about our "cowboy" spirit. Rock gardens are sprouting up at various downtown locations. There's still more to do, and we urge everyone to pitch in. Check in with Rena Wilson (Olio) or Jamie Bade (Goodnight Trail) to what projects are up next. Also, although we have had generous financial support from local citizens, we're still a bit short of our goal. All of the funds used for this project are from private, local contributors. Contact me or Betsy Harrison if you want to make a donation. Make your check out to MVR/Heritage Project and mail to MVR P.O. Box 204, Mancos, CO 81328.
Sisters in Art: Meanwhile, over at the Cortez Cultural Center, Jan Wright and Kip Walker are featured in a show entitled, "Sisters in Art, Sisters in Heart." Jan is a local watercolorist (among other amazing talents) and Kip is a photographer from New Mexico. What they share is profound love of the Southwest, its geology and geography, and its ancient cultural and artistic traditions. Jan is also showing her "Mesa Verde" series at Far View Lodge for the second year running, and she has been an artist in residence at Mesa Verde National Park. The show will run through July 7.
The Cultural Center is open late every weeknight with native dance troupes performing in the outdoor arena on the north side of the Center, so combine that with a gallery visit and dinner out, and you will have splendid evening!
Telluride Lineup: Our big neighbor to the north doesn't miss a beat in summertime. With the ski season a memory or a hope, there is still lots to do, see and experience in this alpine village. Here's rundown of just a few of the activities: Telluride Yoga Festival, July 11-14; Telluride Americana Music Fest, July 17-20; Telluride Jazz Celebration, Aug. 2-4; and the Telluride Chamber Music Festival, Aug. 8-18. It's a great summer drive up 145 to take advantage of all these events!
Contact Dian and let me know what's happening in the arts community. I'd love to publish info about your event, show, concert, play, whatever! Call me at (970) 533-7536, or email [email protected].