July 4 celebrations to light up the region


July 4 celebrations to light up the region

Dove Creek and Rico plan extensive slate of events
Fireworks light up night in Parque de Vida as spectators on bicycles watch a previous year’s fireworks display in Cortez.
This pig chase is always a popular Fourth of July event in Dove Creek.
Cortez’s fireworks displays often feature fireballs from gas-fueled explosives that will send a heat wave over the crowd.
Rico’s Fourth of July Parade is set for 11 a.m. down the town’s main drag, Glasgow Street.
Fourth of July fireworks are planned throughout Southwest Colorado with extensive slates of events planned in Dove Creek and Rico.

July 4 celebrations to light up the region

Fireworks light up night in Parque de Vida as spectators on bicycles watch a previous year’s fireworks display in Cortez.
This pig chase is always a popular Fourth of July event in Dove Creek.
Cortez’s fireworks displays often feature fireballs from gas-fueled explosives that will send a heat wave over the crowd.
Rico’s Fourth of July Parade is set for 11 a.m. down the town’s main drag, Glasgow Street.
Fourth of July fireworks are planned throughout Southwest Colorado with extensive slates of events planned in Dove Creek and Rico.
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