The Four Corners Chapter of The Compassionate Friends and Hospice of Montezuma will hold their third annual Community Spring Remembrance and Balloon Release on Saturday, May 18, at 1 p.m. near the large gazebo in Centennial Park.
This is an event to honor and celebrate the lives of loved ones who have passed away. This event is for any loss, not just of a child.
There will be time to share about loved ones, show photos, have inspirational reading and music. There will be a magnet board for photos and an information table where grief resources will be available.
As the world’s largest national self-help bereavement organization, The Compassionate Friends offers friendship, understanding and hope to families that have experienced the death of a child at any age from any cause. There are more than 630 chapters in the United States. They know that losing a loved one can be very difficult and there is no time limit on grieving. For many years, The Four Corners Chapter has celebrated their children with an annual balloon release, and two years ago they opened up this event to share with the entire community. They had such a positive response that they are doing it again.
All who have lost someone special are invited to join in a time of remembrance, a chance to release emotions and send them a special message “on the wind.” The Compassionate Friends will supply the balloons and the note paper. If you have lost someone special to you, we ask that you join us in a time of remembrance, a chance to “Release” some of your emotions, and send them a special message “On the Wind”.
To RSVP or for more information, please contact Cherie at 565-6480 or Debbie at 565-4732.