Post announcements to and email announcements to [email protected] and include “Community Calendar” in the subject field. Items submitted less than two weeks in advance will be less likely to be published. Entries and the calendar may be edited for length and content.
CortezTuesday, April 30
All-District Band Night, 7 p.m., Montezuma-Cortez High School main gym, 418 S Sligo St. Details:
Night with the Ancients, 7 p.m., Sunflower Theatre at KSJD, 8 E. Main St. Free, but seating is limited. Preregister online. A virtual tour through the night sky that explores the various cultural connections to and stories of the constellations that will be visible that night. Details:
Thursday, May 2
“The Lasting Legacy: Estate and Succession Planning” workshop, 3 to 8 p.m., First National Bank of Cortez, 2258 E. Main St. $25 per person. Dinner offered. Details: 970-565-3123.
Friday, May 3
Lion’s Club of Cortez Benefit Magic Show with Mysto the Magi, 7 p.m., Montezuma-Cortez High School Auditorium, 418 S. Sligo St. Tickets $5 at the door. Details: 560-2370.
Free Solo Film Showing, 7 p.m., Sunflower Theatre at KSJD, 8 E. Main St. Free. Details:
Saturday, May 4
Singer-songwriter Stoll Vaughan concert, 7 p.m., WildEdge Brewing Collective, 111 N. Market St. $5 cover charge. Details: and
For Pets’ Sake Humane Society’s low-cost pet vaccination clinic, 9 a.m. to noon, IFA Country Store, 10501 U.S. Highway 491. Details: vaccine packages $46; $15 rabies only. Call 565-PETS(7387).
Monday-Saturday, May 6-11
City of Cortez Cleanup Week, curbside pickup on regular trash pickup days, drop-off day May 11 at Parque de Vida parking lot on North Mildred. Details:
Wednesday, May 8
Bandstand Boogie with The Diamonds, 7 p.m., Montezuma-Cortez High School auditorium, 418 S. Sligo St., Cortez. Details:, 882-1284, 739-8508.
For Pets’ Sake Humane Society’s Mother’s Day Bake Sale, 2 to 5 p.m. at the north entrance to City Market in Cortez. Bakers can drop off goodies starting at 1:30 p.m. Friday. Early drop-offs can be made from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Thursday, May 9, at XTROV Realty, 444 E. Montezuma, behind City Market. Bake, buy or donate and help local pets. Details: 565-PETS/7387.
Saturday, May 11
Farm and Field Experience, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Tierra Vida, Old Fort at Hesperus and Rocky Draw Farm. Details: preregistration required.
Saturday, May 18
Cortez Historic Preservation Day, 10:30 a.m., Cortez Cultural Center, 25 N. Market St. Details: 565-1151.
Wednesday-Sunday, May 8-12
Ute Mountain Mesa Verde Birding Festival, Cortez Cultural Center and various tour and lecture locations, 25 N. Market St. Early registration recommended. $65 full registration, $15 daily registration (waived for teens), $35 banquet fee (included in full registration). Details: 565-1151, ext 14, [email protected],
For Pets’ Sake Humane Society’s monthly board meeting, 6:30 p.m. at the Cortez Public Library, 202 N. Park St. Discussion will include the group’s finances, pet-assistance programs, fundraising efforts and upcoming membership drive. All are welcome. Details: 565-PETS/7387.
Saturday, May 18
Ninth Annual Dairy Goat Information Day, hosted by Four Corners Dairy Goat Breeders, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., 20198 County Road P. Details: Jeanette at 565-9065.
Thursday, May 23
Cottage Foods, 1-5 p.m., Public Health Department, 106 W. North St. Cost: $30. Register: Details: 970-565-3123, [email protected].
7th Ave, in concert, 7 p.m. at the Montezuma-Cortez High School auditorium, 418 S. Sligo St. Details:, Julie Ayers at 970-882-1284 or Eric Wilson at 970-739-8508.
Saturday, June 15
MORP Heritage Apple Tree Sale and Fundraiser, 9 a.m. to noon, McElmo Farm and Orchard, 17312 Road G. Details: 565-3099.
Nondenominational silent meditation, Johnson Building, 7 p.m., 925 Broadway, No. 184. Free. Details: 970-560-2822.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Computer and tech tutoring, Cortez Public Library, 202 N. Park St. Appointments: 970-565-8117.
First Monday
Montelores Early Childhood Council luncheon, 11:45 a.m., Johnson Building, Room 110, 925 S. Broadway. Public invited. RSVP for lunch to Vangi McCoy, 970-749-7017.
Southwest Cowboy Church, Lewis Arriola Community Center. Potluck, 6 p.m.; service and message at 7 p.m.
First Tuesday
American Legion Ute Mountain Post 75 meeting, 7 p.m., Legion Hall, 320 N. Harrison St. Details: 970-565-8151.
Diabetes support group, 3:30-5 p.m., Kiva Room, Southwest Memorial Hospital. Free. For Type 1 or 2 diabetes. Details: Jenny Nuuttila, 970-564-2275.
First Wednesday
Montezuma County Democratic Women meeting, 11:30 a.m., The People’s Place, 215 E. Main St. Details: Tulli Kerstetter, [email protected].
First Thursday
Montezuma County Republican Central Committee, noon, Shiloh Steakhouse. Details: Jan Gardner, [email protected] or 970-565-2197.
Bariatric Surgery Weight Loss Support Group, 5-6:30 p.m., Southwest Memorial Hospital Kiva Room. Free. Details: Laura Taylor, 970-564-2276.
Montezuma County Democrats meeting, The People’s Place, 215 E. Main St. All welcome. Details: 970-516-1693.
The Montezuma County VFW Post 5231 meeting, 7 p.m., Cortez Cultural Center, 25 N. Market St. Details: Cmdr. Tom Endres, 970-560-5242.
First Friday
Alzheimer’s and dementia support group, noon, Vista Mesa Assisted Living, 1206 N. Mildred Road. Lunch. Details: 259-0122.
Disabled American Veterans meeting, Veterans Outreach Center, 432 N. Broadway. Lunch at noon; meeting at 12:30 p.m. Details: 560-2793.
First Saturday
Montezuma County Chapter of MOMS Demand Action for Gun Sense in America meeting, 10:30 a.m. to noon, Cortez Public Library, 202 N. Park St. Details: [email protected]
First and Third Saturday
Four Corners Square Dancers dance, 6:30 p.m., Kemper Elementary School, 620 E. Montezuma Ave. Details: 970-739-3385, 970-749-9682, 970-565-9836.
Second Tuesday Montezuma County Historical Society luncheon, 11:30 a.m. Public invited. Details: Ann Wilson Brown, 565-2747.
“The Mesa Verde Back Country Horsemen meeting, 7 p.m., First National Bank, 2258 E. Main St. Details: or 818-469-0445.
Second and Fourth Tuesday
Mayor’s office hours, 12:30-1:30 p.m., Cortez City Hall, 123 Roger Smith Ave.
Second Wednesday
Montezuma County Hospital District board meeting, 6-8 p.m., EMS Training Room, 1450 E. Johnson Drive. Public welcome. Details: 970-564-2146.
Second Thursday
The Southwest Woodworkers Guild meetings, 7 p.m., various locations. Beginners and experts. Details: Tom, 970-882-7360.
Montezuma County Republican Women meeting, noon, Shiloh Steakhouse, Veach and Main streets. All are welcome. Details: Rosemarie Beall, at 970-564-1576.
Estate planning seminar, 5-7 p.m., Vectra Bank Conference Room, 350 W. Montezuma Ave. Free. RSVP: [email protected]. Details: 303-588-2695.
Free Supermarket Tours, noon to 1 p.m., with Southwest Health System dietitian. Learn about food labels, healthful choices, food budgets. RSVP and details: 970-564-2275.
Last Tuesday
Family Law Post-order clinic, 4-7 p.m., Cortez Public Library, 202 N. Park St. Free. Details: [email protected] or 800-521-6968.
Every Monday
Embrace Grace support group for pregnant women, 6:30 p.m., Community of Believers Church, 23826 County Road G. Free. Details: Debbie at 970-739-2344 or [email protected] or Zandra at 970-764-0920 or [email protected].
Trivia, 7 p.m. at Blondie’s, 45 E. Main St.
Four Corners Community Band practice, 6:30-8:30 p.m., First Baptist Church, Market and North streets. Details: [email protected] or “Four Corners Community Band” on Facebook.
“Beyond Mesa Verde Tour,” 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., starting at Colorado Welcome Center, 928 E. Main St. Transportation. Cost: $75 for adults, $60 for ages 10-17; free for children younger than 10. Details:
Beginning Square Dance lessons, Jan. 21 through May 20, 7 p.m., Kemper Elementary School, 620 E. Montezuma Ave. Details: 970-739-3385, 970-749-9682 or 970-565-9836.
Every Monday and Thursday
One-on-one computer and tech tutoring, Cortez Public Library, 202 N. Park St. Appointments: 970-565-8117.
Every Tuesday
Mesa Verde Cadet Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol meeting, 6:30-8:30 p.m., American Legion building, 420 N. Harrison St.
Cortez Public Library Family Entertainment Series, 2 p.m., 202 N. Park St. Details: 970-565-8117.
Open Mic, 7 p.m., Blondie’s. Details: 739-4944.
Bridge players needed, 1:30 p.m., Montezuma Valley Presbyterian Church, 305 S. Washington St. Details: 970-565-6088 or 565-7024.
“Excavation Site Tour,” 10 a.m.-noon, beginning at Colorado Welcome Center, 928 E. Main St. Cost: $30 for adults; $25 for ages 10-17; free for children younger than 10. Details:
Every Tuesday and Thursday
Master’s Swimming Group with Cortez Water Dragons, 6-7:30 a.m., Cortez Rec Center. All levels. Cost: Entry fee plus $40 a month.
Tai chi class, 10:30-11:45 a.m., Cortez Rec Center, 425 Roger Smith Ave. Cost: $4. Details: Donna Hicks, 970-564-4080, [email protected].
Every Wednesday
Sitting in the quiet, meditation, contemplation, prayer, 12:15–12:45 p.m., St. Barnabas Church, 110 W. North St. Details: 970-565-7865.
Karaoke at Blondie’s Trophy Room, 8 p.m. to midnight. Details: 970-739-4944.
The Kiwanis Club of Mesa Verde meeting, noon, Shiloh Steakhouse, Main and Sligo streets. Details: 970-564-3144.
“Ask an Archaeologist,” 3-4 p.m., Crow Canyon Connection at Colorado Welcome Center, 928 E. Main St. Free.
Wednesday Activities Club, 2:30-4:30 p.m., Cortez Public Library, 202 N. Park St. Free for students ages 8-12. 565-8117.
Every Wednesday, March 13 - April 10
Lenten Services, 7 p.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, 208 N. Dolores Road. Soup supper, 6 p.m.
Every Thursday
Bingo at the Cortez Elks Club, 2100 N. Dolores Road. Early-bird game at 6:45 p.m.; others follow. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Food and beverages.
The Montezuma County Senior Center senior dance, 7-9 p.m., 107 N. Chestnut St. Details: Nita Warner, 970-565-9855.
Overeaters Anonymous weekly meeting, 8 p.m., Cortez Dental office, 43 W. Montezuma Ave. Details: 970-799-2183.
“Pueblo Perspectives,” with Zuni Tribal member Dan Simplicio, 3-5 p.m. at the Crow Canyon Connection at Colorado Welcome Center, 928 E. Main St. Free.
Raising Readers Storytime, 10:30 a.m., Cortez Public Library, 202 N. Park St. Older children may join for a craft at 11:15 a.m. Details: 970-565-8117.
Every Friday
TOPS (Take off Pounds Sensibly), 10:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Cortez City Hall, 123 Roger Smith Ave. Details: 435-414-4733.
Celebrate Recovery, a Christian 12-step program, Rock Springs Church campus, U.S. Highway 160. CR Café, 6-7 p.m.; learning group, 7-8 p.m.; open share, 8-9 p.m. Child care.
Every Sunday
Simply A Course in Miracles, 4 p.m., various venues. Details: 970-946-2194 or [email protected].
DoloresSaturday, May 4
Free Nature Walk, 10 a.m., meet at Dolores Post Office overflow parking lot, 1000 Railroad Ave. Nature walk hosted by Russ Patten Licensed Professional Counselor and Certified Ecotherapist. Nature walks will be offered ongoing through summer and fall. Details:
Saturday, May 11
Kids Nature Tour – Ute Mesa Verde Birding Festival, 8:30 to 11:30 a.m., The Nature Center at Butler Corner, 20503 County Road 31, Dolores. Pre-register by phone at 565-1151, ext 14, or online at
Thursday, May 16
Low Stress Livestock clinic with Whit Hibbard, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Dolores Public Library, 1002 Railroad Ave., Details: Contact Tim McGaffic at 808-936-5749 or [email protected]. Cost: $250.
Tuesday, May 21
Four Corners Lecture Series: “Reconstructing Ancient Pueblo Communities” with Radoslaw Palonka, 7 p.m., Canyons of the Ancients National Monument Visitor Center and Museum, 27501 Highway 184, Dolores. Free presentation. Details: 970-882-5600.
Thursday, May 29
Wood-fired pizza at Dolores River Campground, 5 to 7:30 p.m., Dolores River Campground, 18680 Highway 145, Dolores. Open to the public. Family-friendly. Details:
May 31 through June 2
Volunteer trip - Grand Canyon Trust, 9 a.m. May 31 through 3 p.m. June 2, starting at Canyons of the Ancients Visitor Center, 27501 CO-184, Dolores. Details:
Saturday, June 15
Arts and Crafts Bazaar, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Dolores Community Center, 400 Riverside Ave. Details: 882-7717 or
Four Corners Lecture Series: “The Mythical Realm of Agave” with Sharon Edgar Greenhill, 2 p.m., Canyons of the Ancients National Monument Visitor Center and Museum, 27501 Highway 184, Dolores. Specialist Sharon Edgar Greenhill will weave together Mayahuel, pulque, rabbits, pulque gods, Quetzalcoatl and the moon into an intriguing tapestry of banishment, sex and death that has shaped Mexico’s ritual and economic world. Free. Details: [email protected] or 970-560-1643 with questions.
Thursday, June 27
Four Corners Lecture Series: “An Indigenous Archaeology of the Pueblo Revolt” with Joseph Aguilar, 7 p.m., Canyons of the Ancients National Monument Visitor Center and Museum, 27501 Highway 184, Dolores. Free presentation. Details: 970-882-5600.
First Tuesday
Dolores Mountain Quilters meeting, 10 a.m., Dolores Community Center, 400 Riverside Ave. All welcome. Details: or Judy Bryan at 970-739-9994.
Third and Fourth Tuesday
K9 Search & Rescue Team meeting, 7 p.m., at the Dog House. Learn about search and rescue, navigation, survival. Applications accepted. Details: 970-882-4746.
Every Tuesday
Bright Babies, 10 a.m., Dolores Public Library, 1002 Railroad Ave. Infants and caregivers invited. A 30-minute program with stories, sensory play and signs. Details: 882-4127 or
Help with Microsoft Word, email, digital pictures, 2-5 p.m., Dolores Public Library, 1002 Railroad Ave. Free. Details: 970-882-4127.
Civil Air Patrol Mesa Verde Cadet Squadron meeting, 6:30–8:30 p.m., K9 Search and Rescue. Details: Debrah Archer, 970-759-5669.
The Dolores Rotary Club meeting, 6:30-7:30 a.m., Ponderosa Restaurant, 715 Railroad Ave. Cost: Two free meetings; yearly membership is $150. Details: Susan, 970-426-9902 or [email protected].
The Big Picture, 10:30 a.m., April 9 - Oct. 22, Canyons of the Ancients National Monument Visitor Center and Museum, 27501 Colorado Highway 184. This tour is approx. 30-45 minutes long and encompasses the high points of the Canyons of the Ancients National Monument Visitor Center and Museum’s main gallery. Free with $3/person (for ages 18 and up) admission to museum. America the Beautiful National Park & Public Lands passes accepted. Details: 970-882-5600.
Every Wednesday
Bible studies, 6 p.m., at Chapel on the Farm, 19927 Road 26.2 Loop. Details: 903-6153.
Storytime, 10-10:30 a.m., Dolores Public Library, 1002 Railroad Ave. Stories, snack and activity for preschoolers and caregivers. Details: 882-4127.
Dolores Farmers Market, 4-7 p.m., Flanders Park, 420 Central Ave. No booth fee. Musicians welcome. Details: 970-882-4018.
Roving Archaeologist at the Museum, 10 a.m., April 10 - Oct. 23, Canyons of the Ancients National Monument Visitor Center and Museum, 27501 Colorado Highway 184. Free with $3/person (for ages 18 and up) admission to museum. America the Beautiful National Park and Public Lands passes accepted. Details: 970-882-5600.
Fourth Thursday
Free Painting Class, 6:30 p.m., Dolores Public Library, 1002 Railroad Ave. No experience needed. Supplies provided. Details:
Every Thursday
Behind the Scenes Curation Tour, 2 p.m., May 2 - Oct. 24, Oct. 23, Canyons of the Ancients National Monument Visitor Center and Museum, 27501 Colorado Highway 184. This tour is available to visitors age 10 and up. Reservations are strongly encouraged. Please arrive at least 10 minutes before the tour begins. Free with $3/person (for ages 18 and up) admission to museum. America the Beautiful National Park and Public Lands passes accepted. Details: 970-882-5600.
Recovery Support Group meeting, for sober living, 7 a.m., Dolores Methodist Church, 105 N. Eighth St. Details: Sue, 739-1049.
American Sign Language Class, 5-7 p.m. Dolores Public Library, 1002 Railroad Ave. Free 8-week ASL course through Nov. 1. RSVP and details: 882-4127 or [email protected].
Every Friday
Ancient Puebloans - Magicians of the Great Sage Plain, 3:30 p.m., April 5 - Oct. 18, Canyons of the Ancients National Monument Visitor Center and Museum, 27501 Colorado Highway 184. Join us as we tour the Main Gallery discussing how the Ancient Puebloan’s adaptability and ingenuity helped sustain them for thousands of years. Free with $3/person (for ages 18 and up) admission to museum. America the Beautiful National Park and Public Lands passes accepted. Details: 970-882-5600.
Every Saturday
Connections to the Past and Present, 11 a.m., May 4 - Oct. 19, Canyons of the Ancients National Monument Visitor Center and Museum, 27501 Colorado Highway 184. Join us for a program that explores the cultural landscape of the Great Sage Plain and learn about the past and present on the monument. Free with $3/person (for ages 18 and up) admission to museum. America the Beautiful National Park and Public Lands passes accepted. Details: 970-882-5600.
Every Sunday
The Unitarian Universalists meeting, 11 a.m., Dolores Community Center, 400 Riverside Ave. Discuss comparative philosophies and religion. Details: Darlene, 970-565-6173;
Ask a Ranger, 1 p.m., May 5 – Oct. 20, Canyons of the Ancients National Monument Visitor Center and Museum, 27501 Colorado Highway 184. Learn about Ancestral Puebloan weaving, culture, language, Canyons of the Ancients National Monument wildlife, astronomy, and more. Topics change weekly. Free with $3/person (ages 18-plus) museum admission. America the Beautiful National Parks and Public Lands passes accepted. Details: 970-882-5600
MancosSaturday, May 4
Salsa Dance Night, 6:30 p.m., Mancos Brewing Company, 484 E. Frontage Road. Free. Details:
Saturday, May 11
Fifth Annual Mancos Bloom Fundraiser, 3 to 7 p.m., Mt. Lookout Grange, 680 Grand Ave. Live music, cash bar, local BBQ.
Thursday, May 23
Dragonfly Preschool FUNdraiser, 5 to 8 p.m., Fenceline Cider, 141 S. Main St. Games, silent auction, food by Four Dope Gringos. Open to the public.
First Saturday
Teen Café Nights, 7-10 p.m., Mancos Public Library, 211 W. First St. Details: 970-533-7600 and
Every Tuesday
Knit or crochet, 6-7 p.m., Mancos Public Library, 211 W. First St. Teens and adults welcome. Free. Bring supplies. Register:; 970-533-7600, ext. 206; or [email protected].
Storytime, 10:30-11:30 a.m., Mancos Public Library, 211 W. First St. Bilingual, seasonal storytime for ages birth through 6 years.
Every Wednesday
After-school program for grades 1-5, 4:15-5:15 p.m., Mancos Public Library, 211 W. First St. Art, science, stories, living skills. Details: 970-533-7600.
Every Friday
Science Fridays, Mancos Public Library, 211 W. First St. Kindergarten to grade 3, 10-11 a.m.; grades 4-5, 11 a.m.-noon.
Tuesday, April 30
Lightweight and Ultralight Backpacking seminar, 6 to 8 p.m., Pine Needle Mountaineering, 835 Main Ave. Free. Details:
Thursday, May 2
2019 National Day of Prayer, noon to 12:45 p.m., Rotary Park, 1565 E. Second Ave. Durango.
Saturday, May 4
Colorado Native Plant Society wildflower ID workshop, 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Fort Lewis College, Berndt Hall, room 440. $20. Register online at Details: [email protected] or 385-1814.
Tuesday, May 7
“Defending Bears Ears” talk with Regina Lopez-Whiteskunk, 7 p.m., Durango Public Library, 1900 E. Third Ave., Durango. Details: 764-4204 or [email protected].
Thursday, May 9
SBDC Start Your Business Workshop, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., May 9, Durango Public Library, program room one. $25 or $20 for Chamber of Commerce/Local First members. Details:
Thursday-Friday, April 28-29
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Columbine Center in Bodo Park, 281 Sawyer Drive Suite 100. Spots for 20 participants. Snacks provided. Free. RSVP at [email protected]. Registration closes April 22.
May 23-29
Adaptive Sports Association volunteer trainings, canoe and kayak trainings: May 23 and May 30; rafting trainings: May 28 and May 31; cycling trainings: May 24 and May 29. Details: 259-0374,, email [email protected].