After discussing the crowing of roosters, the Mancos Town Board voted against regulating the birds inside town limits last Wednesday. The town sent out a survey on the issue, but town board members agreed to leave the birds be.
"I enjoy hearing the roosters in the morning, the dogs bark and the cows across the field," Trustee Queenie Barz said.
Mancos Times
Mancos, Colorado
Dolores County may be able to find a way around the discontinued Eagle Net problem. the statewide, grant-funded effort to plumb every school district in the state with fiberoptic cable was brought to a stand still late last summer when the organization that controls the funds accused planners of not completing an environmental assessment after making changes to the route of the cable.
Dove Creek Press
Dove Creek, Colorado
"The water situation is very grim. It is very real, and we need to make sure that our citizens understand that," said councilman Kelly Laws at the April 9 meeting of the Blading City Council.
"At this point in time, we are not going to initiate watering restrictions," added Laws, "but it is something that could be done in the future."
As a result, the Council strongly encourages residents to voluntarily initiate water conservation efforts, particularly as they relate to lawn watering.
"If we can control the waste, we can probably stay afloat," added Laws.
San Juan Record
San Juan County, Utah