City of Durango code enforcement buried in snow complaints


City of Durango code enforcement buried in snow complaints

About 450 grievances filed this month, mostly about sidewalks and marooned cars
Steve Barkley, code enforcement officer for the city of Durango, clears the license plate on a vehicle on East Fourth Avenue on Friday so that he can tag the car. The owner is required to move it within 72 hours or it can be towed. He then walked around the car and found a green tag that had been placed on it already on Jan. 15. The car was later towed.
Nick Wolfe walks on the shoulder of north Main Avenue on Friday as he goes around a pile of snow and a non-shoveled sidewalk. “I consider myself a Durango pedestrian mostly walking to get around town, and I’m pretty spry, but some of the snow piles are kind of hard to get over,” he said.
A large pile of snow blocks the sidewalk on the west side of north Main Avenue near 18th Street.
Nick Wolfe comes to a pile of snow on the non-shoveled sidewalk of north Main Avenue on Friday and then has to walk on street to get around the deep frozen snow. “I consider myself a Durango pedestrian mostly walking to get around town and I’m pretty spry but some of the snow piles are kind of hard to get over,” said Wolfe.

City of Durango code enforcement buried in snow complaints

Steve Barkley, code enforcement officer for the city of Durango, clears the license plate on a vehicle on East Fourth Avenue on Friday so that he can tag the car. The owner is required to move it within 72 hours or it can be towed. He then walked around the car and found a green tag that had been placed on it already on Jan. 15. The car was later towed.
Nick Wolfe walks on the shoulder of north Main Avenue on Friday as he goes around a pile of snow and a non-shoveled sidewalk. “I consider myself a Durango pedestrian mostly walking to get around town, and I’m pretty spry, but some of the snow piles are kind of hard to get over,” he said.
A large pile of snow blocks the sidewalk on the west side of north Main Avenue near 18th Street.
Nick Wolfe comes to a pile of snow on the non-shoveled sidewalk of north Main Avenue on Friday and then has to walk on street to get around the deep frozen snow. “I consider myself a Durango pedestrian mostly walking to get around town and I’m pretty spry but some of the snow piles are kind of hard to get over,” said Wolfe.
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