The Dolores Star encourages people to submit announcements about upcoming events for the Community Calendar. Send announcements to [email protected]. Items submitted at least two weeks in advance will have a better chance of getting published; items submitted several days before the event might not get published. For more information, call the Star at 882-4486.
Art show to feature Dolores students' work
Dolores schools will have their annual art show at the Cortez Cultural Center. Art from 5th- through 12th-grade students will be on display from Feb. 6 through Feb. 15 with a reception on Wednesday, Feb. 13 from 5 to 7 p.m. Art from Karen Webster's graphic design, Amy Woodward's 7th- through 12th-grade students and Mara Vinton's 5th- and 6th-grade students. There will be snacks and live music to enjoy while viewing the art. Attendees will also be able to vote on their favorite artworks for the people's choice awards.
Tuning In to Self for Insights and Personal Empowerment
On Monday, Feb. 11, Ryan DeMares, PhD, CHt, Consulting Hypnotist, will discuss breathing rhythms, selective focus techniques that suspend habitual programming while you undermine long-held self-defeating beliefs by planting new, positive self-talk and understanding the imagery that emerges during dream-time-these are just a few of the on-ramps that can put you on the superhighway of self-empowerment. Once learned, they are techniques you can practice by yourself. This session will include informative discussion, guided visualization practice and techniques you can take home and start using. The Dolores Healing Space is located at 102 South 4th Street.
Gospel of Luke Bible Study at Johnson Memorial UMC
Everyone is welcome to join us for a Lenten Season Bible Study of the Gospel of Luke Tuesday evenings, Feb. 12 through March 19 at 6:30 p.m. We will focus on several key scriptures that follow Jesus' journey through his earthly life, and help us learn valuable lessons for our lives. Our church is located at 105 North 8th Street, Dolores.
Come and Participate in "Pure Worship"-- You Talking to God
Each Wednesday evening during Lent (the time of reflection leading up to Easter), everyone is invited to come to Johnson Memorial UMC and talk to God in the quietness of our sanctuary. With minimal spoken words and lots of quiet time we will share the space even as we privately share our lives and our concerns with God. If you desire, you may participate in the Sacrament of Holy Communion which will be available at the end of the "Pure Worship" time. Pure Worship will begin on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 13, at 6:31 p.m. at the Johnson Memorial UMC, 105 North 8th Street, Dolores. The time in the last line of the Pure Worship announcement, "6:31," is correct! It refers to Mark 6:31, where Jesus says to his disciples "Come away with me to a quiet place and find some rest."
St. Barnabas' conversation on faith
"How does my belief/practice form my life?" will be discussed on Tuesday, Feb. 19 at 6:30 p.m. at a conversation at St. Barnabas Church at the corner of North and Elm Streets. St. Barnabas hosts these gatherings for folks who can't reconcile their life experience with what they believe the church requires; who don't want to check their minds at a church door; or who just don't want to live in a world they think the Christian church espouses but who might value being part of a community of faith. Questions are required. No answers are promised. Call 565-7865 for more information.
Soups of the World fundraiser for Bridge Shelter
Grace's Kitchen and St. Barnabas Episcopal Church offer the sixth annual Soups of the World and live dessert auction on Friday, Feb. 22 from 5 to 7 p.m. This event supports the Bridge Emergency Shelter. Delicious soups from various regions of the world will be served at Grace's Kitchen at 110 West North St. in Cortez. Tickets are $10; kids 5 and under are free. Tickets will be available at the door as well as from various agencies in the community. There will be a live dessert auction beginning about 6 p.m. with Larry Don Suckla serving as auctioneer. Those that wish to contribute something for auction should bring homemade desserts to St. Barnabas between 1 and 5 p.m. on the day of the event. Contact Kristen or Christy at the shelter at 565-9808 or Betsy Jones at 565-7865 for more information. Join us for this fun soup supper and dessert auction!
Movement Through Awareness: The Feldenkreis Method
On Monday, Feb. 18, Paula Parks LMT, will give an introduction to Moshe Feldenkreis and the Feldenkreis method Awareness Through Movement. Learn easy to do exercises to improve postures, vision, imagination and personal awareness. The Dolores Healing Space is located at 102 South 4th Street.
Movie Night: Death by Medicine
The Dolores Healing Space will be the spot for a Movie Night, Monday, Feb. 25. Based upon Dr. Gary Null's book by the same name, this 2011 reveals how America's medical system has not only lost its way but has become the leading cause of injury and death in the United States. It is a through examination of the current medical paradigm and healthcare crisis, showing how a corrupt pharmaceutical industry and science-based bias against natural foods and vitamins contribute to this scary scenario. Join us for a viewing of this insightful and thought provoking film. Discussion Follows. The Dolores Healing Space is located at 102 South 4th Street.