Who’s behind the murals going up around Durango?

Who’s behind the murals going up around Durango?

Hayley Kirkman sees public art pieces as community enrichment
Hayley Kirkman, creative arts and special projects coordinator with Local First, works on a mural behind Kroegers Ace Hardware. Local First is working with businesses around Durango interested in adding a mural to brighten the scene.
Hayley Kirkman, creative arts and special projects coordinator with Local First, said the mural behind Kroegers Ace Hardware will emphasize the environment and the landscape of the Southwest.
Besides murals going up around town, Local First and Hayley Kirkman are working to get a Creative District designated in Durango by the state. Such districts help market the creative arts and are already in place in Telluride, Ridgway and Mancos.

Who’s behind the murals going up around Durango?

Hayley Kirkman, creative arts and special projects coordinator with Local First, works on a mural behind Kroegers Ace Hardware. Local First is working with businesses around Durango interested in adding a mural to brighten the scene.
Hayley Kirkman, creative arts and special projects coordinator with Local First, said the mural behind Kroegers Ace Hardware will emphasize the environment and the landscape of the Southwest.
Besides murals going up around town, Local First and Hayley Kirkman are working to get a Creative District designated in Durango by the state. Such districts help market the creative arts and are already in place in Telluride, Ridgway and Mancos.
If you go

The Durango branch of the American Association of University Women will hold its annual fall luncheon Sept. 29 at the DoubleTree Hotel, 501 Camino del Rio.
The event will feature guest speakers Allie Wolfe and Chynna Levaldo, who were 2018 National Conference for College Women Student Leaders recipients. Hayley Kirkman, 2016 NCCWSL award recipient, will also give a presentation at the luncheon.
A social time will start at 11 a.m., with lunch at 11:30 a.m. and presentations at 12:10 p.m.
Tickets are $20 without lunch and $45 with lunch. To attend, mail a check, payable to AAUW Durango, to: Grace Deltscheff, 56 Red Cliffs Road, Durango, CO 81301, by Thursday.
For more information, call Marcy Jung at 946-4510, or contact Judy Spolum at 247-0870 or [email protected].

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