The Cortez Journal encourages people to submit announcements about upcoming events for the Community Calendar. Send announcements to [email protected]. Items submitted at least two weeks in advance will have a better chance of getting published; items submitted several days before the event might not get published. For more information, call the Journal at 565-8527.
Health presentation 'Heavy Metals and Depression'
"Heavy Metals and Depression - Make the Connection" will be presented by Dyanna Hoffman, Natural Health Practitioner, on Friday, Jan. 4 from 5 to 6 p.m. in the Mesa/Canyon Room at the Cortez Recreation Center. T.O.N.I. share sessions are free of charge and open to the public. Listen, learn and share on topics of health interest. For more information, call Joe Keleher, T.O.N.I. facilitator, at 565-5448.
Mother & Daughter Teatime Luncheon
Christian Women's Celebrations will be having a Snowflake Spectacular - Teatime by Candlelight Luncheon on Saturday, Jan. 5, at noon at the Elks Lodge, 2100 N. Dolores Rd. Mothers and daughters are invited and will be honored. A princess party dress fashion show will be featured by girls ages 4 to 18. Call 560-3328 if you would like to model. Songs with sparkle will be performed by Amanda, Skylar and Sariah Robinson. Speaker Teresa Reynolds will tell a story fit for a princess. The luncheon is $14.50 per person and includes the meal, dessert, beverage and tip. Reservations should be made by Monday, Dec. 31 by contacting Cindy Bennetts at [email protected] or 560-3328. Complimentary tickets are offered for first timers and daughters under age 18.
Fly-tying classes taught by Dolores River Anglers
Fly-tying classes return to the Cortez Cultural Center, 25 N. Market St., starting on Tuesday, Jan. 8 and will continue for seven weeks. Classes will be upstairs at the Center, and hosted by the Dolores River Anglers (Trout Unlimited) For details, contact Brad at 759-0175.
'Architectural Documentation of Spring House' presentation
The Hisatsinom Chapter of the Colorado Archaeological Society is pleased to present Dr. Patricia Flint Lacey on Tuesday, Jan. 8, at 7 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church, 515 N. Park St., Cortez, to discuss "Architectural Documentation of Spring House," a large unexcavated cliff dwelling on Long Mesa at Mesa Verde National Park. Spring House has nearly 85 rooms and seven kivas, similar in size to Spruce Tree House. In the upper part of the Spring House alcove there are eight rooms with remarkable preservation of their wood, adobe floors, and pink and tan plastered walls.
Patricia Flint Lacey came to southwest Colorado in 1982 to work on the Dolores Archaeological Project after completing her doctoral studies in anthropology at the University of Oregon. Over the last 30 years she has worked and volunteered for the BLM Anasazi Heritage Center as a museum educator and researcher. She has worked for Mesa Verde for the the past two years. For more information, contact Diane McBride at 560-1643.
Winter Discovery Walk near Echo Basin
Join San Juan Mountains Association on Saturday, Jan. 12 from 10 a.m. to noon for the fourth program in the Southwest Colorado Winter Ecology Series: a Winter Discovery Walk for Families in Echo Basin area, near Mancos. We will focus on animals in winter, as well as snow studies. Learn about tracks - is a snowshoe hare a bounder, waddler or galloper? And examine snowflakes - are there really no two snowflakes that are exactly alike? For ages 4-10, accompanied by an adult. Snowshoes are provided if needed. There is no charge for the Discovery Walks.
Participants should meet at the end of plowed County Road 566, Mancos. Contact SJMA to register for this walk (preregistration requested), or schedule your own Winter Discovery Walk at 759-1170 or [email protected]. Walks can take place on easy terrain near Cortez, Mancos, Dolores or Durango.