About a year ago I began supporting the Wounded Warrior Project with a monthly contribution. The ads I saw on television and my friendship with a severely wounded Recon Marine from Vietnam led me to this decision during these hard times. While we are only suffering financial distress, these severely wounded kids coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan experience physical and psychological trauma on a daily basis.
The mail today contained a request to add a few more dollars to help these heroes readjust to civilian life with their horrendous injuries. I have done so and am writing this letter to urge all concerned citizens to help out. The Wounded Warrior's message is, "The greatest casualty is being forgotten." It doesn't matter whether you agree with our involvement in the Middle East or not. These patriots believed they were doing the right thing by wearing our county's uniform and protecting America. To donate you may go to woundedwarriorproject.org or send a check to:
National Processing Center
Cortez Area 2012 Fund Drive
Wounded Warrior Project
PO Box 758516
Topeka, KS 66675-8516
And yes, it is a tax-deductible contribution.
Larry Tradlener
McElmo Canyon
Via email