Dove Creek football team blasted by Rangely


Dove Creek football team blasted by Rangely

Chorbine Cressler shines, but poor second quarter dooms Bulldogs during 57-18 defeat
Cade Curtis follows his blockers for a Dove Creek first down Friday night against Rangely.
Chorbin Cressler is grabbed by Tristan Moore on Friday night as Dove Creek battles Rangely.
Gauge Thompson is wrestled to the ground Friday night in Dove Creek as the Bulldogs took on Rangely at home.
Chorbin Cressler, of Dove Creek High School, looks for an opening to run Friday night against Rangely. Dove Creek lost the nonconference game, 57-18. For a roundup of local sports, including a comeback win for the Montezuma-Cortez football team, turn to Page 6A.

Dove Creek football team blasted by Rangely

Cade Curtis follows his blockers for a Dove Creek first down Friday night against Rangely.
Chorbin Cressler is grabbed by Tristan Moore on Friday night as Dove Creek battles Rangely.
Gauge Thompson is wrestled to the ground Friday night in Dove Creek as the Bulldogs took on Rangely at home.
Chorbin Cressler, of Dove Creek High School, looks for an opening to run Friday night against Rangely. Dove Creek lost the nonconference game, 57-18. For a roundup of local sports, including a comeback win for the Montezuma-Cortez football team, turn to Page 6A.