In Leigh Waggoners latest article, All persons mainstream or not deserve respect (Nov. 17), she continues her assault on biblical Christianity. When you regard the Bible as the faith history of an ancient people instead of the inerrant Word of God, it is easy to simply reject what it says concerning the topic of homosexuality. She jumps on the popular notion that biology determines homosexual orientation, not the voluntary actions of those who engage in that lifestyle. Of course the jury is out on that particular idea and most of the studies affirming it so far are quite suspect. Nonetheless, based on that belief, she affirms the statement, What kind of God would create someone gay and then demand that they abstain from living into the fullness of who they are? Is that not asking them to sin against their nature?
She seems to forget that the Bible she gives half respect for says all humans are born in a morally depraved state. Therefore, it is in everyones nature to sin. Nonetheless, they are still morally culpable for their sin. Given the reality of sinful human nature, I wouldnt be surprised if science someday claims a genetic or neurological disposition to justify all sorts of morally deviant behavior. Some might think it is too bad that Jerry Sandusky didnt live sometime in the future when his behavior will be linked to biology he couldnt control nor had culpability for. Maybe he too could have used a similar argument like, What kind of God would create someone a pedophile and then demand that they abstain from living into the fullness of who they are? Is that not asking them to sin against their nature? Fortunately our society hasnt gone down this road too far just yet, though I fear it is coming. I fear arguments like those used by Miss Waggoner are propelling us in that direction.
Scott Christensen
Summit Lake Community Church
Via CortezJournal.com