What does 4-H mean to you?

What does 4-H mean to you?

Amanda Sturman

It teaches you responsibility.
Jenifer Sturman

It’s fun and teaches you teamwork. You really learn to work together.
Keelynn Graf

It’s fun and a good learning experience.
Dalton Jantz

It teaches us how to trim and take care of animals.
Stetson Scott

It’s fun and something to do that helps you make friends. You learn responsibility while having fun.
Kyle Cox

4-H teaches you life skills and responsibility. It gives you a good work ethic.

What does 4-H mean to you?

Amanda Sturman

It teaches you responsibility.
Jenifer Sturman

It’s fun and teaches you teamwork. You really learn to work together.
Keelynn Graf

It’s fun and a good learning experience.
Dalton Jantz

It teaches us how to trim and take care of animals.
Stetson Scott

It’s fun and something to do that helps you make friends. You learn responsibility while having fun.
Kyle Cox

4-H teaches you life skills and responsibility. It gives you a good work ethic.