
Replace Scott Tipton with Mitsch Bush

Thursday, May 31, 2018 5:03 PM

Civil rights, human rights and the rule of law, as well as the norms of decency and civility, have taken a beating under the Republican-enabled Trump administration.

Unlike Scott Tipton, Diane Mitsch Bush would counter this historic decline on every front. I’ve met Diane, heard her speak, and analyzed her website ( In Congress, Diane would work to strengthen public education, expand educational opportunities, protect and restore public lands and the environment, press for needed infrastructure, support local agriculture, fight for the right of women to control their own reproductive health, protect the Dreamers, and uphold civil rights and freedom from abuse for every person on American soil.

Diane would work to put in place sensible gun-safety measures consistent with the Second Amendment, end voter suppression, end big money buying political action, and reverse the appalling rise in income and wealth inequality and its corrupting effects.

Diane’s strong legislative experience would serve her well in Congress. She was a two-term county commissioner and a three-term Colorado state representative, in each case winning elections by sizable margins. Endorsing her, former U.S. Senator and Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar praises her ability to bring “people of all political stripes to the table for common-sense legislation that benefits her constituents.”

Diane can outdebate Tipton on any issue. She is the best.

Edward Packard

