
Tipton: Broken promise on health care

Thursday, May 31, 2018 5:01 PM

Congressman Scott Tipton was swept into office during the tea party wave of 2010, and fixing health care was one of his big campaign promises. Well, it’s been eight long years since 2010, so let’s examine his record.

He took 56 futile votes to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which would have ended protections for folks with pre-existing conditions and eliminated coverage for kids under the age of 26 who are on their parents’ plans. He voted for the AHCA (Trumpcare), which the CBA estimated would have kicked millions of Americans off the insurance rolls. And he voted for the Trump Tax Plan, a $1.5 trillion giveaway to corporations and billionaires that repealed a key provision of the ACA that will result in an increase in insurance premiums in Colorado by as much as $2,000 for families this year.

Tax cuts for billionaires, higher insurance premiums for working Coloradans. Eight long years, and our health care costs are higher than ever, and Scott Tipton only seems to be interested in making it worse. I’m so glad that Democrat Karl Hanlon is running against him this year. He has a real plan to drive down health care costs and protect working Coloradans.

I’m tired of career politicians saying one thing and doing another; it’s time we got someone in Congress that is willing to stand up for us.

Gordon Rodda

